
CovenSpell Casters ► Glamour
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Post # 1
I was wondering. I had a turn of bad luck. I had my license taken form me for something that I didn't intentionally do. I was given bad advice at a tax seminar and myself and many other people had tax issues resulting in my automatic lose of my license to practice medicine. I now have to go in from to the boards and ask for my license back. They are very intimidating. What spells would you do? I used a glamour that I was already punished enough in court and the judge only gave me a the minimal punishment possible.I mean minimal. I never intentionally did anything wrong.
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Re: Glamour
Post # 2

I am so sorry to hear that you got in trouble about a mistake. I'm not sure if you work with deities (goddesses in this case), but working with Maat (Egyptian Mythology) or Nemesis (Greek Mythology) can help to balance the situation so that whomever needs to see the truth will see it. You can start by creating a shrine to either of them by placing a picture of the chosen deity, and a white candle on a surface dedicated solely to the purpose of the shrine. Next, write a petition in detail explaining the situation and the outcome you want. In this situation, I would recommend intending that everything is resolved to the greatest good of everyone involved. Keep the petition on the altar and burn the candle to your chosen deity daily until the situation is resolved. Say a short prayer to honor your chosen deity after you light the candle. The gods listen...your situation will get resolved. Best of luck to you in this situation. Please update us and let us know how it turns out.
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Re: Glamour
Post # 3
Thank you so much! Maat and Mabon are the gods I have been praying to though all of this. I will follow your advice. I really appreciate the help!
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Re: Glamour
Post # 4
I mat my alter to Ma't and I am casting a circle every day. Made my petition and I put a picture and a blue feather on the alter.
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Re: Glamour
Post # 5

Hello KimLewis, I am truly sorry to hear all the hardship you're dealing with right now. I would recommend incorporating mantras into your daily routine. Mantras are a great tool for physical manifestation, mental and spiritual health. Here's a mantra example you could use, "I have to ability to overcome any situation. I completely welcome positivity and prosperity into my life. I will get my medical license back and grow even stronger from this situation". Focusing on grounding yourself through meditation will strength any spells or mantras you use during this time. At this time your life seems turbulent and unknown. That is why I recommend grounding and recharging yourself during these times.

I received a psychic message for you. The element of water has spoke to me. It showed me ripples of water caused by a stone. It tells me your spell work should incorporate water. I can not articulate my message because I don't want to take away the authenticity of it x.

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