Shapeshift + grow wings

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Shapeshift + grow wings
Post # 1
Ok sorry, I lost the old thread for this so I'm making a new one - I'm wanting to know as many peoples opinions on Magic/Magick being able to make me a shapeshifter as possible. Some people say its possible some say it's not so I'm just looking for the most opinions as possible. It would also be nice if I could get some opinions on Magick growing me wings (keywords people >>>) "on my back". Not making my arms into wings.

Last thing, id like to know what you all think about the supernatural other than magick. Such as shapeshifters, and werewolves. Are they real? I do think so, but I'm interested in other peoples answers.

Thanks for any replies, this would help me a lot...

Re: Shapeshift + grow wings
Post # 2

Okay first of all, the Magick we practice on this site, Cannot alter your body . It cannot make you change shape or grow wings. Though there may be magick that we don't know about, that would allow us to do it later on, but I view that as like a advancement like how we advance in our sciences etc. But for the time being its not possible.

Second of all, This second topic you ask about is touchy. And Some people do believe in it, like yourself, and me. But others May or may not believe in it, though its their choice.

Re: Shapeshift + grow wings
Post # 3

Please be aware that making multiple posts on the same topic may be considered spam, which is a violation of the rules.

Looking at your post history, that other thread is the only other post you have made on the forum. It should have been easy enough to find, looking at your own history:

Re: Shapeshift + grow wings
Post # 4

I do not believe it is possible to shapeshift on this plane and I only believe in various mythical creatures. But I don't believe you can turn into one at all, that's just not how magick works.

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