blood magic

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blood magic
Post # 1
any one here knows blood magic
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Re: blood magic
Post # 2
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Re: blood magic
Post # 3
a really realy spipel blood magick spell is to write to a dinity of your coice(liek say dear heacte,god and goddes jeusus) and smear boold on the envolpe and that gives your vibe and power and then your burn the paper and envolope
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Re: blood magic
Post # 4
and that does what
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Re: blood magic
Post # 5
Quite interesting... I didn't know that anyone was desperate enough to do that....
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Re: blood magic
Post # 6 i would like to share a little about what i know about his topic... um blood magic is a very powerful and delicate type of style when it comes to magic... um as far as i know it depends on what you believe its hard to explain but its power is that your magic could be permanent ...i think its more effective on hexing and um i think also for protection and healing... sorry if its not that specific :D blessed be
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Re: blood magic
Post # 7
... My friend created blood magick... o-o'
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Re: blood magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
There is another thread about this under Other Spell Discussions. Here is what I posted there, maybe it will clear things up a bit. Blood magic has been around for thousands of years.

Blood magic involves using blood in magical workings. You can use blood to do a number of things. Your own adds your essence and power to your magical working. An others adds the essence and power of that person. Like hair, skin, fingernails, teeth, etc. it can help connect your magic to the person it belongs to. These things are much more powerful than a picture or a personal object. Blood can also be used for scrying into a person's future.
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