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Post # 1
Hello everyone,
Due to unfortunate circumstances I lost my alter or rather the pieces to it. I'm looking for any good websites to get what I need for a decent price. Also possible some inspiration on what to have for my new alter. Thank you in advance!
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Re: Alters
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Was it something like a statue or removable object or a physical piece of your altar? If it's the former we do have a site shop that might help you. If the latter IKEA? I've always used the top of a shelf [my first altar was on my lime green filing cabinet, my current one is on top of a small book shelf my mom bought me from a liquidation world when I was 12] you can also have them in shoe boxes, or match boxes [theres some really cool designs in that size] you could even place it in a windowsill [provided you don't have any pets who like said windowsill]

As for neat altar ideas, pintress and intagram I suppose, maybe some witchy groups on Facebook. Personally I try to change mine with each sabbat or season [depending on how lazy I am] good luck to you.
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