what is a wand?

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what is a wand?
Post # 1
I have a lot of questions about wands. what are they used for? is it something you can extract energy from? and when I googled these questions, most of them were puns of Harry Potter. how do you make a wand? I am new at magick. I am still learning my basics.
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Re: what is a wand?
Post # 2

I would be happy to answer any questions you have, as a wand maker I take great joy in making them. Please feel free to send me a message.

In a nutshell, a wand is used for sending and or directing energy. Thats a given as Im sure you are aware, but the subject goes much deeper than that. I.e, the parts of a wand such as the fondel and the tip. Different wands have different properties depending on what it is made from, whether any sigils are marked on it and whether or not a special ritual was performed in making the wand!

But the wand itself doesnt mean it needs to be made from wood, a wand could be the end of your finger tip. But ultimatly the wand is an instrument used to direct energy and to make magic!

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Re: what is a wand?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

As has already been said, a wand is used to direct energy, they are used as an extension of yourself, to gather, focus and direct energy towards your desired item/person/intention.

They can be used to pool energy, to draw on at a later date, or be used to alter energy before putting it back out.

A wand can really be anything you can direct energy through, typically they are made from metal (typically copper), wood and crystal, but can also be made of other items if you feel comfortable with them. To make a wand, you could simply find a stick on the ground and, as long as you feel drawn to it, use it as a wand in magick. You could also connect with a specific tree, working with it, connecting with the energy and spirit of that particular tree (this could be your birth tree, or one you feel especially drawn to) You can then ask the tree for a piece of wood to use as a wand, and either take a piece of wood safely and carefully from the tree itself or find a piece from the ground and give thanks to the tree.

This can then be used as a wand, as is, or you can decorate it, carve in symbols, add crystals and stain or paint if desired.

But not everyone works with wands, or wants to work with them, so you don't need one if you don't think you will use it or are new. You can simply use your hands if you want a wand is only a prop that can assist.

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Re: what is a wand?
Post # 4

I felt this was a both a beautiful and well measured responce by HearthWitch!

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Re: what is a wand?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Magic Items from Misc Topics.
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