teacher i need

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teacher i need
Post # 1
can sumbody teach me how to do astral travel and how to open my third eye up
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Re: teacher i need
Post # 2
Wow, it's not that hard and there's no need to pay. (To open third eye) Just start by meditating then you could say "vibrate" the word THOTH (you know when you say OMMM you can feel your head kinda vibrate) Do that for I believe three days/nights (you can do it longer if you wish) and visualize your third eye opening. I believe there's a spell that says all of this. That's how I did it anyway and it worked for me!
For astral projection you just have to keep working at it. It comes differently for everyone. But definitly work on opening your 3rd eye first.

-Erica K ^-^
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