Hello to all.

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Hello to all.
Post # 1
Hello, I am known as alicia and well I am not quite sure what I should write about myself but I am quite new and plan to try to learn energy manipulation, a friend of mine who is into the unknown suggested this site to me and to start learning there.

So please treat me kindly and I hope I can get along with everyone.
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Re: Hello to all.
Post # 2

Welcome to the site Phantom, this is a good site been a member myself for roughly 13 year's, we have a little of everything floating around here. To get you started you can starting reading the pinned post all over, most you can find in "Main Forum Link's" in the Welcome section, don't stop there check it all out. If you ever have question's throw us a post in the forums you will get an answer. Until then your welcome to check chat out as well, it can be slow but when its up it's always a great time. Nice to meet you :D

Main Forum Links : https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=928818

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