Help! Dream meaning

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Help! Dream meaning
Post # 1
So I had a dream where I was watching a guy and his friend complete mission like a game and got reword and he has someone stole the phoenix feather he god then suddenly it was about me in a body with my brother in a competition with others people and I notice a fat men near me at that time I thought he was really familiar then it suddenly about me walking down the street and met a guy he told me he is that fat men nephew and that we have met before after thinking a bit I started to remember him and the fat men and that I have done a competition with the fat men before and Afterall that I always notice a shop selling an artificial vine in a tiny glass bottle. I don’t remember anything but then it about people choosing thing that the girl managing the competition take out and for me I think that even if I choose this and then to loss I would just waste my time so I go to asked the girl and she said “wait a moment” and go outside and told the staff “bring it here” then I don’t remember but suddenly I was walking down the street to a mall and the fat guy was behind me when we got into the mall he suddenly jump at me but I avoid it and he got arrest and then suddenly liked everything was restart again I was walking down the street to a mall and he was behind me when we got to the mall he jumps at me but this time when I avoid it he uses his hand and crush my skull and after all that I suddenly like a god viewing him and the last thing my previous body said before death was “Feeling dizzy” and he collapse to then turn into a crystal like thing and the men got arrest then like a movie I heard a sound that said “For what he has done” and then a flash of pictures appears with a word at to them like drug, disobeying the law, alcohol, etc. and when it ends like a …. Years after bird were flying and there my previous body was cut up and sell as candy and black ant was all over the candy there a guy was talking one candy and walking to his motorbike and there was a white cat pointed at him and said “You have magic” at him until he goes to sit on his motorbike and then a guy suddenly grab the cat from behind the man and said “I told you not to run around”. Everything is so real please give an answer of the meaning of this and when I woke up I remember that have a dream about the fat men and his nephew ling ago and about the cat I remember too in the first dream this cat was walking around me saying “You have magic” only to picked by a guy saying “I told you not to run around”. Everything is so mysteries and I want to know the meaning of this very bad. Sorry for my poor English as am not a native speaker.
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Re: Help! Dream meaning
Post # 2

Please remember to use the space bar between paragraphs in following post. I don't think this is a rule on this site, but it does help readers a little better in understanding one post.

Cubby people in dreams, can symbols one own lack of worth. If you worried about your appearance, or if you or another tend to be a bit lazy.

"To dream that you or someone else is fat represents overindulgence, laziness, or a lack of discipline in some manner. You or some aspect of your personality is too focused on pleasure, taking it easy, or on unproductive thinking patterns.

Being fat in a dream may be a sign that you need to learn moderation in some area.

Alternatively, being fat in a dream may reflect feelings of being an undeserving loser. Feeling that you aren't enjoying your life as much as you want. Feeling that a problem that are holding you down and making you less fun to be around. "

Dreaming of nephews normally mean that you spend, or care about your own. If you don't have a nephew, than maybe one of your friends is someone nephew. Who was only raised by their uncle or aunt, showing a possible bound between family members, or symbols the friendship you have with that nephew.

If you have been away from family, for a while, than this could mean that you need to focus on family, for a little. Go back home, and try to spend time with the family you have and get to know them a little. Along side the cubby man, it could also symbols your own self worth in the family. Maybe you feel a left out, or baffled about your own role in the family line. If so, talk to someone close about the matter, and try to fix ties with the family you have.

Feathers can symbols somethings new, is coming into your life, or something new you want to do.

"Phoenix Dream Symbol The appearance of a phoenix in your dreams is about rebirth and new beginnings. It brings good news of positive times coming into your future. Phoenix represents transformation and eternal life with its constant renewal. This can signify the end of something in your life and the star."

Phoenix feather could also mean, finding light. If you've been through a dark time in your light, than you possible could find some sort of light, or enjoyment to bring back into your life.

If you are new to this path, or interesting studying this path than the god in your dreams. Could represent the idea of, you displeasing whatever God you believe in, it could also bring fear, about the idea of anything magic and the whole story. Of anything witchcraft is evil, but be rest a sure that it isn't.

It could also mean, that maybe your heart isn't in the right place, for this sort of work. If so, do some time to reflect why you want to take the path that you are on.

Dream Dictionary Crystals , What it Means when you Dream of Crystals . First, the crystal is representative of beauty. Third, a crystal represents health and wellness. There are a lot of people that believe that through crystal therapy and being around crystals a lot a person can get over just about any illness.

Note: please keep in mind that crystals can't heal everything, if you are ill in any sort of way. Than the best thing to do is see medical help, first.

Feeling dizzy could be a sign of bafflement. If your new here, than maybe your mind is trying to process what are fake, and what isn't, brining you to a whole new world to uncover.

Again with people being arrested, could be your fear in anything magical. If so, I highly recommend to do research about the topics you may wish to study. It could also mean, your fear of being judge, for one reason or another.

Vines are dream symbols of money, in a sense. Maybe your working hard on your own project, that you wish would give you the money that you need, but at the same time. Maybe you feel, like someone could easily take it from you, and sell it as their own.

Cats in dreams, could be telling you to be proud of who you are. To know your own self worth, and that nobody could take it away from you. To stand up, for what you think is right, to look after yourself, just as much as you look after others. It could also mean, take time to rest, weather sleep, or mediation.

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Re: Help! Dream meaning
Post # 3
Thank for reminding me about using space bar and thank you very much for answering as for this one dream I feel really strange and odd about it. It was also the only dream that I remembered alot about eventhough I am awake like for 5 hours before writing this.
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