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Post # 1

Hello Everyone!

Recently I've started a job which takes a lot of my time. In a few weeks, I'm going to start school again, which also takes a lot of my time. Thinking of this, I'm not sure how I'll be able to juggle school life, my career, and my spirituality at the same time.

Do any of you have any tips on being spiritual while not having much time to dedicate to spirituality?

I'd really appreciate any advice you'd give me!

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Re: Juggling
Post # 2

It doesn't take a whole lot of time to remain spiritual, though being busy can definitely eat into study and time for rituals, if you happen to do any.

You could find a few minutes here and there for meditation, even if it's a few short minutes. Even a moment or two of mindfulness can help considerably.

If you honor any deities, short prayers and honoring them in smaller ways can work. Some suggest things like blesings before meals.

A good thing about school is that it has days off. That means it will afford you a little bit of extra time on weekends.

If you cast spells, integrating kitchen witchcraft may be beneficial, as it is done while preparing meals.

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Re: Juggling
Post # 3

One tip for tight schedules in general is to have the right mindset. If you don't have time to do something on the side, don't beat yourself up about it and try again next time. Try to build a schedule that works for you and allows you to have enough time for school, work, etc. but gives you free time to focus on your spirituality and any hobbies you have, if possible. Make sure to take time to relax as well, as trying to do too much at once can be very tiring.

Good luck with everything!

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