I need help.

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I need help.
Post # 1
So, my mother has had many problems over a few months. I won't go into detail, but we need a spell that can send an evil spirit to hell, block negative entities, and open communications. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
Also, what colour candle should we burn while doing the spell?
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Re: I need help.
Post # 2
My mother wanted to add that it's the spirit of a manipulative ex.
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Re: I need help.
By: / Novice
Post # 3
cleanse and protect. depending on how powerful this thing is you might need multiple cleansings and stronger spells, but i've never needed anything too extreme when i cleanse/protect [and i've lived with spirits most of my life]


there's a ton of ways to do this. [find the method that works for you] to start i would cleanse yourself and your family [quick sea salt bath. you can add cleansing herbs to the bath like rosemary, thyme, and/or lemon] say a quick protection chant if you wish, jump in, pour the water all over your body [dunk your head in] visualize/feel negative tar like energy being washed off into the water, and a glowing positive energy surrounding you. pull the plug and visualize this energy going down the drain and far away from your home [i wouldn't use the bath water for each person as some might have more negative gunk than others and the water can get gross both spiritually and germ wise. granted, you're not actually using soap to scrub yourself while doing this bath, but you can include a protection/cleansing chant when you have a shower to clenase yourself while having an actual shower/bath] now that you've cleansed yourself, put on fresh clean clothes, and begin cleansing your house.

if you have sage you can burn it and the smoke will basically neutralize negative energy, and send negative beings away. [be sure the doors and windows are open when you do this so it has somewhere to go] you should also pay extra attention to corners and spots you don't normally clean because negative energy can get trapped/hide in them. if your whole family is getting involved you can add extra positive energy to this process and do multiple things at once [if it's just one person that's fine too] you can also light a white candle for purification [i would use a small tea light candle and leave this in the most central room that your family spends the most time in and/or where the most negative energy is taking place. you could put on in every room, but fire safety makes me advise against that] light the sage, and waft the smoke around the room on a clockwise fashion, if you wish to use a chant you can [the one i typically use is "negative energy leave this space, positive energy take its place"] once the room feels clean [you should have a calm or positive feeling in the space] close the window and shut the door behind you [this seals the room so the energy can't sneak in once the sage smoke goes away. [i would also draw a protection symbol on the door, maybe not directly if you don't want to, just to seal the room further. i usually draw a pentagram on my front door with my keys every morning when i leave for work and think "protect my space"]

if you don't have sage, or don't want to use smoke to cleanse, you can make a potion with the same ingredients used in your bath [or if you want to buy stuff, Florida Water is a good option, but you can look into online stores for cleansing items] sprinkle salt around your house and sweep out up [sweep it out towards the door or in a clockwise motion] you can also use the wash to wash floors, shelves, and windows [vinegar on windows and mirrors destroys all energy positive or negative and prevents the entity from getting back in] you can also leave bowls of salt in corners of the room for a few days, they will absorb the negativity, then you can throw it out [flush it down the toilet, pour it into running water, bury it in a forest or crossroads away from your home] again, hundreds of options, find the one that works for you, focus your energy and do it.


another one with a million options. draw protection symbols on the entrances to your home, hang protection symbols in each room, make protection charms and hang them in your room [wear protection charms, or draw them on your skin with lotion then rub the lotion in to hide the symbol, but it would still be working] mix protective herbs, salt, and blessed sand and sprinkle it around your property line, or leave some under your doormat will protect your home from negativity. protection chants, visualizing a giant energy shield around your home, using protection oil to anoint the door frames and windowsills for your home, placing protective crystals around your home [or even wearing them] you can also do daily energy work where you ground negative energy, charge positive energy, and shield yourself before leaving and/or when returning home.

it is a good idea to cleanse and protect yourself fairly regularly. cleansings are really only needed every 4-6 months in my opinion depending on regular daily life in the home [sometimes i've gone almost a year] as for protections, you can do a daily one, or make it less frequent. for my protection necklace i recharge it every month, for the protection symbols i hang around my house, i usually recharge them after a cleansing more out of habit. i usually charge them frequently just by looking at them and thinking about them [i'm giving it more energy as a result] but as mentioned above, i do daily protection spells too.

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Re: I need help.
Post # 4
Thank you so much for the help!
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