The Undead

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The Undead
Post # 1
Are they really. Some people think so. Let me now.
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Re: The Undead
Post # 2
Humans are alive, thus they are un dead to some degree, you need to specify, you get undead souls and death entities, you also get intoxications which causes a zombie like syndrome used for controlling a slave, and that i just scratchig the iceberg, the list goes on and on, so give us a target to aim at ;)
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Re: The Undead
Post # 3
if a human turns fulling undead he not a human but yes there are undead but you do need to be more specific
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Re: The Undead
Post # 4
Do you think they will turn into vampires or zombis?
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Re: The Undead
Post # 5
As previously stated, a Zombie-like syndrome is a form of intoxication by a disease or virus.
Vampires, apparently they're a real race, they walk amongst us, but this is debatable. Though the vampyric race I wouldn't consider then undead, that's stuff from warcraft, hollywood and the Church (christian, catholic), they're actually parasites who need blood for energy because they can't metabolise their own or they can get extra energy from it.
Or, if vampires aren't real, then its just a disease called Porphyria (the basis of garlic will defeat vampires) that they have some blood problem that makes the infected person want blood. Porphyria symptoms are worsened by garlic.
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