Hello there and Blessed Be my fellow witches and wizards! I am LiyaMoon98 ( but Liya works just fine ). I am a college student that just started this year! I am going for creative writing. I am 20 years old ( Almost 21- Where my Virgo's at?? ). I have been studying spirituality as a whole since I was 11 years old. I was raised and baptized Roman catholic, but broke away from it when I turned 11 and started working on finding my own spiritual path. I follow and study a few different thing's at the moment from shamanism to druidry, to herbalism, old-school magicka, candle magic, astrology, astronomy, kitchen magic, and so many other's. To me this spiritual path that I am on is a way of life as well as a religion and spiritual essence. When I am not studying up for the end of my year and a day study that I have under-taken ( which is up on All Hallow's Eve ), you can find me at class, with my boyfriend going on different adventures, on my video games, reading, writitng, youtubing ( I have my own channel ), or sleeping!
I am here to talk with and make friends with like-minded indivduals and help those that need it.
My inbox is open and welcome for anyone
Blessed Be
Welcome to the site, good luck on your path [also hello fellow Virgo, I'm technically a Leo-Virgo since I'm born in the transition day, but I lean more to Virgo] did you have a favourite field of study? All the best on your creative writing, it sounds fun, I would love to take a course like that myself one day ^_^
Hello and thank you both for the response!
YaY!!!! Another Virgo! I was actually susposed to be born right at the end of Leo season, but waited till the 10th before I was born.
I would have to say that my favorite form/field of study is energy manipulation and working with the elements/elementals. When I first started out, I found out quickly that I was very naturally good with energy manipulation ( as well as having psychic visions ). So energy manipulation is something I still use and work with within my practice. I mostly use it for my shamanic healing studies ( Taking a persons sense of pain out of their body and placing it into another object where it won't cause harm ).
What's your favorite field of study/practice?
Welcome Liya! I am an Aries, so sorry not a Virgo. I am a fellow writer and former Catholic though. I am fairly new in practicing, yet I think my largest strength starting off is in astral projecting, and I am hoping to build from there. What is your favorite genre when it comes to writing?
Very cool, that sounds pretty interesting. I amworking on a manuscript for a fantasy/sci-fi (with a little horror) book. Imabout 50% through the firstdraft. I ama technical writer as my day job, so its pretty slow progress on the fiction track.