love spell

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love spell
Post # 1
does anybody know a working love spell?
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Re: love spell
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
First and foremost, are you looking for a spell to simply bring someone new into your life? Or are you looking for a spell that causes a specific person to fall in love with you? Whilst I hope it's the former, I can't be sure so I'll do my due diligence.

It is a bad idea for you to try and force any person to fall in love with you. The fact that you're on this site looking for a spell in the first place (rather than writing your own spell), leads me to assume that you are rather new to magick. Ethics aside, any spell that is attempting to circumvent the free will of another person is a spell that shouldn't be attempted by a novice.

On top of that, there is still the Ethical and Moral issues related to trying to force someone to love you. If I may be allowed to make an understatement: it is bad. When I was younger, I tried a number of these types of love spells. They didn't make the guy love me, they just lead to a few moments of passion, and a lot of emotional strife for both of us.

It wasn't mentally healthy, and at one point I was trying to cast a spell almost everyday because the effects were getting less and less noticeable. Trying to force someone to love me didn't just ruin my chances to be with them, but it left scares on my future relationships as well. It's a bad idea, for yourself and the person you're casting on, so please take this warning from someone who has tried to "cheat" the universe.

All of that being said, it is possible you are simply looking for a spell that will help you find someone. That'll bring a potential lover into your sphere. That'll give you the courage to act and find out if your crush likes you back. If that is the kind of love spell you're looking for, I'm sure a number of people here will be willing to help you.

I apologize for the length of this reply. And for the lecture in the middle. But as I said, you give the impression of being new to magick, and of being young. And I wish someone had taken a firmer hand with me when I was first starting out, and scared me off of attempting such folly.
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