Altar and Offerings for A

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Altar and Offerings for A
Post # 1
I have researched the Egyptian God Anubis quite a bit, and feel comfortable about my knowledge with him, and feel that I should make an altar dedicated to him next to my Altar, im wondering stuff to put on it, as well as offerings, I have an Egyptian book of the dead, would that be a good offering? From what I’ve seen, black is the color that represents him, so maybe some black cloth to cover the table, and offerings are another thing. I know on my other post about working with Anubis Misanthropy said that Anubis likes milk. Stuff like that, but milk wouldn’t work for an altar because it would go bad. I was wondering stuff like what color candles, incenses, gems, and anything else that he would like that represents him well. I just need basic info like that.
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Re: Altar and Offerings for A
Post # 2
Accidentally forgot to type whole name in title. Name is Anubis.
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Re: Altar and Offerings for A
Post # 3

I really don't know much of the Egyptian pantheon, but since you mentioned milk, this is generally how perishable offerings work: They're placed on the altar for a period of time, then disposed of. They're not necessarily left in perpetuity. By your description, I'd guess you're looking more for items which can become permanent additions to the altar, dedicated to Anubis, rather than things (such as milk and honey) which would spoil eventually if left out.

A quick search did offer some other possibilities. Here's a direct quote from one site, which was along the lines of what I was seeking:

Considering his relationship with preservation, herbs that would most fit him are those that protect and preserve. Benzoin, Frankincense, Myrrth, Anise Star, Cloves, Cardamom, Salts, Rosemary are all herbs that would probably work well for him.

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Re: Altar and Offerings for A
Post # 4
I did a quick Google search on correspondences and offerings to Anubis.

I found musky incense scents to be common. Such as frankincense and myrrh, I'd also consider sandalwood.

I have a specific incense I buy called Egyptian musk. This is a favorite of mine from an incense company called blunteffects though perhaps other companies as well make a similar fragrance.

Also canines are associated with Anubis specifically jackals but all canine animals.

Jackal, fox, or wolf statuettes may be worth consideration.

As you said the color black.

Ankh symbolism.

Perhaps black stones and stones more masculine in nature would be a great offering? I'm thinking apache tears, dragon's blood jasper, obsidian, septarian may be great though that may be my bias for the stone.

Anubis is a funeral God.

Personally for me if I were working with Anubis myself I'd like to have funeral music or bells playing in the background as an offering or ritual music.

But that's just me....

Hope you found something in this message helpful.

Before I forget a site suggested dark beers and breads for Anubis. Rye breads, stouts. Etc.

And as prsona stated food offerings are usually consumed after being offered or given back to the Earth.

I prefer consumption as not to waste.

Good luck.
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Re: Altar and Offerings for A
By: / Novice
Post # 5
i've never worked with Anubis, though i have worked with many Egyptian deities [my current Goddess is Egyptian] Anubis is more widely known, so you're lucky you can find more information on him. research his mythos and ancient worship, as well as a google search for witches who currently work with him can help you gain more insight.

personally, i give a lot of incense, specifically ones like cinnamon, musk, myrrh, sandalwood. i burn candles in my Goddesses colour, and i decorate my altar with her animal representations, as well as red, gold, and turquoise [colours used a lot in Egypt] whenever i give food offerings, they rarely stay longer than a day. i do leave a glass of water, or cup of tea/coffee daily. above all, just take time to meditate and be present at your altar, you should notice Anubis reaching out to you and telling you what he would like. i was at a Pagan Pride Day celebration one year and as i walked past a vendor selling crystals i heard my Goddess shout "i want that!" so i walked over and noticed this red oval crystal in a gold ring. [i obliviously bought it, i don't want to upset her lol] it now sits at her statues feet on the altar.
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