
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► cursed??
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Post # 1
hello i've been messing around with magic and now my life sucks i feel like i'm getting dumber
and im developing more mental illnesses is their a way to reverse this??
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Re: cursed??
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: cursed??
Post # 3
In order for us to be able to help you, you'll need to state more info on which spell backfired into being a curse. Or did the victim of your spell cast a curse upon you? What kind of spell was it?
Developing mental illnesses through a curse is not really something that quickly happens in my opinion. The fact that you're aware of all this makes it very implausible that it is the effect of the curse. The power of our own mind and believes are amazingly grand. Therefore, be sure about what you think about yourself. If you think yourself to become dumber, you might actually become dumber.
If you're looking for curse reversals, then contact me in a private message. So we don't flood the forums with our conversation.

I myself have also had a curse cast upon me, I believe it'll heal if I help other people with their problems. Therefore I'm helping as much people as possible every day.
Every curse or spell is different. With different consequences from different casters. That's why most people will also advice you to make your own spells and magic charms; and the likes.
It's a very personal thing.
The key to reversal is withing yourself. You alone are the channel through which a curse can be reversed. Others can help you. Both objects and people. Those things are helpers. You yourself are the main channel.

I hope my answer helps. And I respect the fact that others have a different viewpoint on this.
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Re: cursed??
Post # 4
I think I could use your help on breaking a spell
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Re: cursed??
Post # 5
Well, I need a little more info for accuracy, but heres an idea.
If they cursed you: is it someone you know? Did you do them wrong, or is it something pointless gone too far?

If the first, try to right it
If latter, tell yourself how poinltess it was, and they likely forgot, and if you know the person and you get along, logically it goes away once you admit this. If you were trying to curse another, what spell? Why? That determines if its solvable
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