A real wish spell?

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A real wish spell?
Post # 1

Does anyone know a real wish spell? I've tried a couple on here that never ended up working, and im not wishing for unrealistic things either. I was wondering if they exist.

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Re: A real wish spell?
Post # 2

Personally I use sigil magic for things such as this.

How you'd proceed with this depends on what it is you wish for.

Say you wish for love. You'd draw up a sigil based around that intent.

Are you wishing for abstract feelings or specific things?

If I am looking for something specific I like to write it up in a list and then draw up a sigil relevant to that list.

In example if I am looking for stones, an altar box, and incense I like to draw an image, or use a letter to represent each and make a sigil out of it.

I will then let the sigil sit on my altar until things work themselves out.

I normally use these sigil lists for basic supplies, but it could be used for feelings, states of mind being. Etc.

I've not read any of the wish spells here at the site as I've developed my own method, and tend to write my own spells.

That said I haven't practiced much spellwork lately as I've not felt the need.

I'd suggest perhaps to start spell writing. Try and see if you can write up a working wish spell. Test it out. Trial and error, tweak it.

That way you may develop your own method.

Best of luck.

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Re: A real wish spell?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
wish spells work when you can't put your goal into a specific category [job, luck, money, love] a very simple one I would use is writing your wish on a piece of paper, charge it with energy, visualize your desired outcome, then burn it.
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