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Post # 1
i read other posts that said they wanted to know what element they were, so i was wondering, what's my element? i was born july 4th 1996. also, tell me what knowing your element can help you do. thanks!
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Re: Elements
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
You are a Cancer, a water sign. This is the element that should be easiest for you to utilize in magical workings, meaning you will be able to draw energy from water better than the other elements. Most water signs tend to be quiet about their feelings and tend to be a little moody. Cancers really are crabby at times!
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Re: Elements
Post # 3
soooo, does this mean that the spells that include water will be a little easier for me to cast?
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Re: Elements
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
It means that you can draw energy from water more easily at first then the other elements. A spell the includes a body of water, ie. casting a magical object into one, will probably work better for you then one that requires you to burn something. So yes spells that include water should work better for you.
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