Spirits & Whiskey

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Spirits & Whiskey
Post # 1

This is a rather odd question where I'm not going to go into too much detail. Three weeks ago I had five shots of whiskey, and last night I had three shots of whiskey. For some reason whiskey has been putting me to sleep, during these "Deep sleeps" I've been seeing spirits and unusual entities following me through out my dream. Is this normal?

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Re: Spirits & Whiskey
Post # 2

It can be normal in a sense, similar to how something like thujone can encourage vivid dreams, just in a different manner.

About four hours after drinking, the chemicals alcohol is eventually metabolized into become a stimulant. If you've fallen into a deep enough sleep by that point, it can cause you to come to a lighter sleep, and from a deep sleep to the REM (rapid eye movement, the dream state) stage of sleep again, and experience some really bizarre dreams.

I don't often get intoxicated, but I have definitely used a drunk state for internal work, as the lowered inhibitions help keep me from holding back from myself. So, in a sense, imagine the uninhibited (or at least less inhibited) tipsy mind having galavanting through fields of subconscious possibilities. It doesn't make the dreams any more or less spiritual, but it can definitely affect what you dream and why.

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