Question on fate.

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Question on fate.
Post # 1
I started wondering. Why are some given inborn skills, what for? Most people just use them for personal gain, then they lose the power. Has someone ever used those skills for everyones good, I havent ever heard.

Life goes like this, but nothing big ever happens.

Then the question "Is life true" came to my head, maybe its because nowdays almost everyone says magick is not real.

So many things happen to many people, but what for? do they just keep happening and happening, but what is the end?

I think I'm wondering these things because I'm just 16 and havent lived for so long time yet to understand.
I have learned how to do magick, psionics, how to understand the universal energy and things like that, but only question left is Why all this?

When I was little something told me what will happen in my life, but not when. I have been waiting for that for long, and durning that time I have learned alot, but I still dont know when that time will come, I have made some predictions on that and thet were this atumn, year 2011 or 2014 or later even.
weird things keep happening in my life, many coincidence on the things I was told when I was little (I dont really even know who or what it was who told me.) its making me sometimes scared sometimes excited...

I'm wishing some opinions from different people on these things. These questions have been disturbing my mind almost all the time...
And I believe many others also are thinking about these same things, why does things go like this in our life, because it cant just be one big coincidence.
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 2
keep training like you have been, no one knows the future, everyone can feel something big is coming, but what, when, who how or why remain a mystery to most, thus being prepared and having the broadest understanding possible on the act of living and surviving and living in harmony with the universe and nature will serve you good regardless of the situation..
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 3
thank you for your reply kao :)
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 4
Same question bites me...Sometimes I feel like whole this world is my imagination,I don t know why??
Sometimes this thought s come from depresion or feeling bad,well I know help for that..just get yourlself a boyfriend:)! It works trust me! But when you ask,why everything is like this...o_0 I don t have a clue...just live normal life,be happy,love somebody,and trust me you are not only one there is thousand of others across the worid!!
Best luck....:)
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 5
I have 2 agree with koa!! we all have question on fate some times and like all of us ....u will have to wait and see what this life has to give....but u are here for a purpose
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 6
Exactely things happens to me.I can see something that will hapen,but not for long time.Just for the next hours,not for days or years...Its weird because i don"t know why I can feel things before they happen,and I"m a little scared.I don"t tell this to my mother.She gonna think I"m crazy or something.Only who know about that,is one of my best friends.She is my classmate and best friend ever.We are keep this secret for about 3 months...and it"s hard for us.Maybe it"s hard for you too,that"s why you don"t understand what happens with you!
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 7
For something big to happen, some one has to make it happen or go to it for that matter.. O_O Most people are to round up on their daily routine they are in autopilot than hardly really think about their existence.. because they know they exist and do not doubt that.. and for those who do.. are just crazy for the norm.. O_o I know I am babbling.. here I go with my free writing.. non stopping.. ^_^ well, what I mean is that some individuals are meant to do great things and others not so great but yet it stills affects the world.. O_O I always thought about how a person on the other side is affecting me.. -_- and because i am crazy and answer my own questions.. and they always come out so simple that it turns out that just by breathing; weird. ^_^ I always thinking of the why and the how.. but once in a while the when and the what. O_O... like Einstein said "Without deep reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people"
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 8
"I think, therefore I am." I agree that sometimes it does feel as if we just think we exist, but we obviously are if we are able to THINK, however.
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Re: Question on fate.
Post # 9
I actually believe in the universal law of thoughs. that if we really believe and think about something, it will eventually come true. but that could make us all special if everyone would belive in it.

thank you all for your replies :)
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