
Forums ► Welcome ► Destiny?
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Post # 1
What is your opinion on 'destiny'? Do we create our own? Or does God/the Gods decide before we are even born what will become of us? Is there some kind of compromise between our free will and divine will? Is there something as a mere coincidence?
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Re: Destiny?
Post # 2
If they decided before that wud make life pointless wudn't it.
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Re: Destiny?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
I believe we all have a destiny, it's just the details that are not set in stone. You can do what you wish but if you avoid your destiny all together it will come back time and again till you except it.
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Re: Destiny?
Post # 4
I agree with KTS that we have a destiny.

I think we are here for the purpose of growing and learning and if we do this we move onto a higher plane in the next life. If we don't then we come back and do it all again.

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Re: Destiny?
Post # 5
I have seen a lot of good thoughts on this subject concerning Destiny, my own personal belief is this. Some people on this physical plane of existence have been given a special destiny to look forward to when they pass from this realm of existence into the next and for them it is their responsibility to insure, that destiny comes about for them. For others once they pass from this realm of existence into the next they will be reborn either here on this earth again or perhaps even in a parallel Universe.
However the most important thing to remember is that while on this earth, our destiny is of our own choosing otherwise there would be no free will. So in essence always remember the Three Fold Law- What ever you do comes back to you, be it for the good or ill and if you don't receive it here on this plane of existence it will take place in the next plane of existence and maybe even beyond, for the good or the ill.
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Re: Destiny?
Post # 6
wow that was one of the most profound definitions of Destiny that Ive encountered-thanks
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