Digital Protection Magick

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Digital Protection Magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
Merry Meet,
I have been thinking about Cleansing rituals Then I thought about a cleansing ritual for Your electronic devices and I did some research I did not find any rituals for your devices so I decided to make my own since people use devices always in their daily life's your even in one right now, I am a person that spends most of the day in a computer due to work, editing videos, shop etc. and do not believe I'm the only one but have you ever thought how social media makes you feel it could come across a post and feel sad, angry, happy etc. and all these produce energy and it could affect you later on since you always use that electronic device which could be a phone, computer, tablet etc. It could affect our energies This is what I have been thinking about for the last few days so I decided to come up with some ritual ideas and cleansing ideas that could help you

Cleanse your Phone
If you are like me, you carry your phone with you just about everywhere you go. Walking from one room of the house to the other? My phone is in my hand and It could pick up some emotional energy along thee way Now obviously you can not spray your phone with moon water,sprinkle them with salt because you would not want to damage your phone instead I plan to cleanse my phone and computer with soft and gentle smoke should do the trick
My favorite herbs or incense for cleansing are…
Dragon’s Blood
Anyways hope this could help somebody and i would love to hear you guys about this
PS: Apologies in advances if this is not the section for this forum
Blessed Be
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Re: Digital Protection Magick
Post # 2

I like the idea, personally.

Another method could be when the phone, tablet is off and charging to sprinkle or place protective herbs or resins atop the screen. Such things as sage, rosemary, dragon's blood resin, patchouli, etc. Willow bark can be good for protection.

Alongside this an emf stone nearby can be placed. I love hematite and quartz for this.

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Re: Digital Protection Magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Those who incorporate technology into their magical practice or protect technology with magic are referred to as techno mages. I personally cleanse my computer and smart phone with the smoke from burning sage. I also place protection magic upon these devices in a similar way I protect other items by use of sigils or magic symbols, combined with incantations. You can also use other magical workings that clearly don't physically damage the device or machinery. I also protect my vehicles and home since much of what is contained within stems from modern technology. I certainly don't want electrical issues, or damage to occur, I don't want negative energy from others to reach me while I am using said devices and machinery. Shielding yourself while online also helps to keep others negative energy from reaching and having an effect on youor another using your device. Also keep in mind that computerized technology will have quartz crystal technology contained within. This means that your smart phone and computer also ready have and utilize the power of quartz and every time you use the device you are incorporating these crystals into your work or play.

Many Blessing on your path


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Re: Digital Protection Magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
Thanks for all your beautiful comments and suggestion will definitely try your advice
Blessed Be
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