No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
Hi, So I have come to conclusion after some time that someone has perhaps sent a familiar to me to make join its cause or to annoy me. What is the best approach I can take? A long time ago a Diviner said someone placed a curse on me and I believe it is indeed to be haunted by this familiar. All I know it is a bird and it follows me where ever I go. What can I do or what is the best approach? many thanks.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2

Im highly skeptical of the fact anyone can just make an animal do that, especially something as wild as a bird. It seems to me, that whoever told you this, its left you feeling on edge.

And that's no surprise either, so now your looking for patterns that match up to said statement/threat. But this isn't how cursing works. Usually the person would need to be known both by their face and name.

If the person who's meant to have cursed you doesn't know this information then how might they do so? Perhaps divining it through some other source? Either way, it sounds like hear say at best and at worst. Some things you can so is wear symbols of protection.

Like a pentagram for example, or using salt to form a barrier in your home. Any person dieties you follow or could call on for protection. You have a plethora of options at your disposal, but familiars? I honestly wouldn't believe a word of it.

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Re: No Subject
Post # 3

What you describe is not what a familiar is or is intended for.

Familiars are not animals we see about in our daily lives, they are spiritual beings. Not all spiritual familiars take the form of an animal. There too exist human familiars. Usually human spirits passed, whom had a working knowledge of such things as occult practices, whom will choose to work with a practitioner in exchange for some form of appeasement which can range between different things. Some may be fine with offerings, while others may ask for tasks including honoring or memorializing.

Familiars can be an extensive topic but what you describe is not how familiars work or have ever worked. It sounds close to the persecutive rumors spread by the church n the not so distant past.

At any rate I find it highly unlikely this diviner you spoke with holds much credibility. It is common for a scammer to try and scare others with tactics such as suggesting one has a curse and then to charge rediculous amounts to cure this "curse".

It is a fear tactic. Your conclusion is very off to what a familiar is within witchcraft practices, and I am wondering how you came to it?

Also please consider that this bird you are seeing often is not the same exact bird everytime, and also consider that the bird could have simply taken to you.

Some animals can be curious of humans and there are some wild animals whom are also capable of forming bonds and attachments to people, due to exposure to them.

Take care.

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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
All I can say is this bird has been tormenting me, yes it is very territorial in fact, it has threatened me with words before but it has never taken action. It like it uses its voice to try and disturb me in some way and other people can hear it too when it talks I dont know if its a gift or a curse.

Yes in fact I learned about familiars by a prophet who spoke the word of it and suggested that all familiars are from the kingdom of darkness because thats what witchcraft is but I however have been studying it since I was a young age and still held my Catholicism close to me so Im not sure how you could be both but I guess thats what I am. The reason I am telling this is because I practiced witchcraft alot and I dont know if the bird is the result of this.

I have tried poured salt around my house but the bird is not afraid. Any window or door or even outside and it tweets at me so its an everday problem.

The prophet gave guidance to banish it and Ive tried that but it still persists. How I know its real well I threatened it before and it got afraid and a robin flew down unto a branch infront of me and began talking to me but in a different tone. All I can say is to sum up this message is I dont have an alter all Ive using in the past were to burn messages on a plate is it possible it has been reading these message and found me using that method? Many thanks I thank you for the responses.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 5
About the curse the prophet spoke of diviners and how they were associated with the kingdom of darkness.
So I gathered that a diviner got angry at me and sent a familiar to do its bidding. But the conclusion I came to was because someone on this site messages me about a curse I had which went to emails we exchanged and she asked money to cure this curse of course I said no.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 6

Yeh you really need to watch out for scammers and well done to you for saying no!

Additionally a prophet, seems to be in reffernce to Christianity. Well of course someone of that faith will speak of witchcraft this way, is there any surprises there?

If an animal is speaking to you, boy golly is that interesting. If you can get the bird talking to you on video, that could make global news. Especially if its a bird thats not supposed to talk!

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Re: No Subject
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

If the bird is acting territorial it is likely because it has a nest and hatchlings in the area and is trying to keep you away from them.

You mentioned that the bird threatened you with words. Are you saying that the bird was actually speaking in a human language? While there are a couple of types of birds that can mimic human speech birds do not typically speak in coherent sentences. Or did you mean that the bird was calling out in bird-speak? That could again go along with trying to drive you away from its nest.

Often, as you've found out, scam artists will claim that someone has a curse on them and offer to take it off for money. Of course in those cases there really isn't any curse in place at all. It's just a way to cause you to give them money, often a lot of money. People fall into this trap because they come to believe that they are cursed and start to think that everything that happens to them is the result of this non-existent curse.

Actual curses are not all that common. It takes a lot of focus and energy to place a curse and then keep in in place over a long period of time. So I suspect that you believe you are cursed because your religious beliefs say that you deserve it for practicing Witchcraft But on the off chance this is a real curse and not your mind playing tricks on you, I would do the following.

1. Do a thorough cleansing of yourself and your home.

2. Establish wards around your home

3. Establish personal shields to keep negative energy out

I'm guessing you know how to do this things since you said you have practiced Witchcraft. But if you do not let us know and we can point you at resources on how to go about doing these things.

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