Hey! {Introducing myself}

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Hey! {Introducing myself}
Post # 1
I am a twenty year old Brazilian girl who is discovering my path. As a child, my Christian parents consecrated me in a Protestant church and taught me the way of Christ, which I have all the respect and love for his words of wisdom. I have always felt connected to the divine forces of the universe, and because of that I could not understand why my spiritual leaders taught that the world should be destroyed and all people deserve to suffer, including all of nature, cursed by our sins. My decision to leave the Protestant church was not easy, it comes with a lot of suffering of separation, crying and the feeling that I was betraying the Divine, but as I connect with nature and the higher forces, I feel how far I was from truly loving and respecting others and nature itself in my experiences. So here I am! I am not yet an initiated witch, but I am studying to connect and make not only a difference in the world, but truly love and heal the beings I can in my path.

My interests are:

- Acupressure healing

- Yoga and ecstatic movements

- Speel Writing

- "Green Magic" - Herbs, flowers, etc.

- Lunar Magic - Lunar Phases, Lunar Magic, etc.
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Re: Hey! {Introducing myself}
Post # 2

Hi. Welcome!

Witchcraft needs no initiation. To be a witch one need only study and practice witchcraft.

Wiccan traditions on the other hand, especially some of the older ones do have initiatory rites, though personally I don't know a lot about Wicca.

One can self initiate or dedicate if they want, to practice witchcraft. But, if you'd prefer not you don't have to.

Again, welcome to the site.


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Re: Hey! {Introducing myself}
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Welcome to the site Striega:)
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