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Post # 1
I need some info about reincarnation. My grandfather has just recently passed on and I just found out that my cousin's wife is going to give birth soon. Is there a chance that my grandfather could be reincarnated? Or is reincarnation impossible?
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Re: Reincarnation
Post # 2

Reincarnation is simply belief. It cannot be proven beyond a doubt, regardless of what claims you hear about this or that anomalous child who seems to remember things from a previous existence. This doesn't make it entirely untrue, just not provable.

Believe what you like.

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Re: Reincarnation
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Reincarnation is a belief, so I can't really provide facts, but I believe in it. [I've seen a few of my past lives in meditation or reoccurring dreams] One of the beliefs I subscribe to is the belief we are reborn surrounded by spirits we knew in the past. So, your pet, plant, cousin's baby, could be your grandfather. However, I also believe some spirits need time to rest and the spirits of those we love will continue to be with us. So, he might be watching over you at this time. [also, you might wish to look into ancestor work as that could be a way to connect with his essence]
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Re: Reincarnation
Post # 4

Alright, thanks for the information.

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Re: Reincarnation
Post # 5

Also its still fairly common for a newborn child to be born after an elderly passed away. This happens many times in my own family with the spirit of the child having nothing in common with the person in question who had passed away. But yes, like the two post had pointed out reincarnation is a belief. But there is some information on the matter with a quick youtube search.

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Re: Reincarnation
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I recommend giving a read of a couple books specifically focused on the ideas of life between incarnations and reincarnation;

Journey of souls, and destiny of souls. Both written by Michael Newton (PhD).

The works are presented as collections of case-studies of patients under between-life regressions through nypnosis. It is an interesting read. Though it is worthwhile bearing in mind the subjective nature of past life journeys, trying to translate non-physical states and events into physical imagery, and the inherent challenges of hypnosis as a process.
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