Spells For Piercings?

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Spells For Piercings?
Post # 1
Hi Everyone,

I apologize if this comes of as a dumb question, however I was wondering if there is a spell I could do or some type manifestation practice I could do that would make my parents a lot more accepting and supporting of me wanting to get a septum piercing.

If so what exactly would I need to do? What ingredients would I need, or what meditation practices could I do to help aid this?

Again I apologize if this comes of as an annoying or just blatantly dumb question.

Thank You and Blessings to all
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Re: Spells For Piercings?
Post # 2


I do not find anything wrong with your question at all. You have a feasible goal you wish to manifest.

A simple manifesting spell I like is to write out your goal, in example

"For my parents to be more open to the idea of a septum piercing".

And to turn this then into a sigil.

The letters Sp for me would become the image or sigil. I like to keep it simple with a couple letters.

You can arrange the letters any way you can think, merging them so they become undetectable as letters on their own.

You may want to look into sigil magic and examples of it. I am probably not great at explaining here.

When you are finished drawing your sigil on paper you may wish to destroy it to activate it. You can tear it, safely burn it with a fireproof dish, etc.

I hope this helps.

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