sleeping potion

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sleeping potion
Post # 1
If anybody knows of a good sleeping potion please poste it here
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Re: sleeping potion
Post # 2
valarian two teaspoons per cup of water. Kava-kava is good too.
heat to boiling and steep for twenty minutes. add suger, they both taste kinda nasty. Be careful with kava-kava too much and you get kinda loopy.
Hops is another one.
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Re: sleeping potion
Post # 3
Good advice Tessa, haven't heard anyone referencing kava-kava in a while, usually though it's referenced exactly for it's ability to make things go loopy ;) Another plant remedy is 1 Datura leaf (jimsons weed) let it soak in water for about 2 hours, strain and drink with some honey and a bit of mint, once again, same warning aplies, too much and things go really loopy, if you smoke one ciggarette from datura will also be enough to create a state in which you will sleep deeply and also have pretty vivid dreams, and before anyone jumps on me for encouraging youth either directly or indirectly this is ancient shamanic practice and traditions, they are as much part of the craft as any other aspect.
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Re: sleeping potion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Here is my standard tea for sleeplessness. A teaspoon of Chamomile, a pinch of Catnip, a pinch of St. John's Wort, a pinch of Skullcap, a pinch of marshmallow Root, a pinch of Lemon Balm and two pinches of Valerian. Place in a tea strainer and let steep for ten minutes in hot water. You can add honey, sugar, and a splash of milk if desired. Sweet dreams!
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Re: sleeping potion
Post # 5
Lord knows I need more loopy in my life.heheh....
not to mention the magical effects.I might just have to try that one Kao. thanks

KTS- I like that recipe, sounds yummy.
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Re: sleeping potion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Thank you LadyTessa!
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