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Post # 1
A little bit about me.
I've been building my path for 6 years. I say building because I dont follow a tradition or participate in a religion. I don’t have anyone in real life to learn from, so I read and use that info to forge my own way.
I am an artist and craftsman and my practice is based on working with my hands. In most cases this means if I need a "thing" I make it. As an example I was once crafting a spell that required a cleansing bath or shower before starting, so instead of running out and buying a special soap or using mundane soap (nothing wrong with either of those) I learned how to make soap - so I could craft my own magical soap with essential oils and ingredients I choose to aid me in my intention. It's not necessary, but it's my way.
My reasoning for taking this approach is thinking back. What did our ancestors and witches from the past do when they needed a "thing"? They made it, found it or did without. Sure I can go out and buy all the fancy "witchy" stuff, (and trust, I do have some of that) but it means more to me when I can craft what I need.
I am looking for friends to chat with, bounce ideas off of and to learn from other's experiences.
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Re: Hello
Post # 2
This was interesting to read, and i second the thought to our ancestors making use of whats around them, knowing what was right through experience, feeling and knowledge.

I dont know how to make anything though, i have only created two spells and then i decided to learn more before i try more (i also dont want to use spellwork like a crutch either) but i can relate to your method although im not at the same level. :)

Also im new too, hi
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