Im upset

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Im upset
Post # 1
is anyone else out there disturbed by people asking for spells? Or how about putting Dark writings in the chat rooms? Is anyone getting tiered of being asked if they can become a mermaid? I know Im new here, but I cant get over that this is happening. I would not go up to someone and ask those things, or push my beliefs on someone..then get pissy when they dont listen. I really want to learn, to grow and to share. I guess Im just sick of dumb questions being asked over and over and over..NO you cant turn into a mermaid!! Come on people can we be real?? Maybe Im mad because people think that "I want to do Magic" and think its as easy as 1,2,3. Its a learning process, it takes time and patience and lots of practice. I know Im not the sharpest tool in the shed, but jezz I do know somethings...and if Ive offended anyone, I am truly sorry. And if you can make yourself into a Mermaid-then more power to you................
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Re: Im upset
Post # 2
At last someone with comon sence!!
I have troubles with all cind of crazy people sending me a pm!
and my coven is all about beeing mermaid LOL!
the best way is to ignore that,you know your reasons to be here so relacs!
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Re: Im upset
Post # 3
Thank you, at least now I feel better...It just gets to ya after a while...I know relax and and dont forget to laugh...
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Re: Im upset
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
yes it does get to u after a while i totally agree i have had these pms as well
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Re: Im upset
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Jut remember everyone learns at different paces. Ideas and views of magic, the world, and the universe change as one matures. Give them time for they will see that true magical knowledge comes from within as well as without and not everything you read is truth even if it claims to be.
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Re: Im upset
Post # 6
well, i suppose that everything in life has to have it's own n00bs...
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Re: Im upset
Post # 7
yes me too. Now I don't mind helping, but really alot of people just need to use their search engines more often.
And No magick is not who you see it on charmed or harry potter.Great shows but no you can't shoot fire out of your hands either.
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Re: Im upset
Post # 8
lol, well that mainley depends on if what their asking for is far fetched, e.g. asking to become, rich, become a mermaid, become a vampire, werewolf you get the idea. but if its for like fire bending or whatever these things are actualy possible and some people on this site know how to do it so erm ye :)
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Re: Im upset
Post # 9
I guess I should be more patient..but some of the things people think magic can do is just down right silly...childish..Today there are so many different sources at our fingertips to do research on...I guess I dont like how some take the craft so degrades the art and history....Instead there should be more respect and honor given to it..And any knowledge obtained should be cherished....practiced and passed on......
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Re: Im upset
Post # 10
I know how you feel Moon, it is almost like people have forgotten the saying of the Goddess; If you cannot find it from within thou shall not find it from without. They can tell you how to direct energy in the casting of a spell but if they don't work on it themselves and become proficient in the process of it from within it will do them no good at all.
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