A little different

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A little different
Post # 1
I know how difficult intros can be. Some don't know what to put, and others want to write a whole novel...I *may* sometimes fall into the latter.

But, how much do I want to write, when experience has shown that many people may read, but very few will take the time to respond.

I do get that. I suspect many of us are here to learn. Maybe it's simple curiosity. Maybe we're in some crisis(es?), and are exploring any and all avenues, in hopes for solutions that we can accept for those situations.

My "specialty" is information/research/knowledge. I see problems, and look at the various options to resolve them. Sometimes, it can be done "logically," and sometimes, "faith" is called for. In all things, balances are needed...even if we may feel more like a pendulum swinging rapidly from one side to the other.

We each have our own journeys in life, and if our paths cross, even if only virtually like this, I hope we can be of benefit to each other.
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