Salt protection

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Salt protection
Post # 1
So is salt able to protect me when performing a spell, or summoning unnatural/supernatural strength? If so can I use Himalayan salt or do I need actual salt.
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Re: Salt protection
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: Salt protection
Post # 3
What do you mean by Supernatural Strength? Are you talking about grounding? Or maybe channeling? Salt by itself will not protect you, it ,just like all tools used in witchcraft needs to be "activated", among other things depending on what the item is. Like how crystals need to be cleansed, charged, retuned to the earth and activated to have an affect, otherwise its just a rock. Same thing with salt, if your not a witch it's just something some people use in mundane cooking. Also salt protects by absorption of energy, or can be used as a component in a boundary spell in the context of your question. Also Himalayan salt is a type of salt that has its own unique properties, so research them and find what will work with your end goal of the spell. Note that you should use it outside for the physical reason of it will ruin the ground and nothing will be able to grow there. If your after protection for a spell casting, look into circle casting. If you want home protection you might want to look into anchoring protection spells since it's "easier" to maintain but it depends on your living situation, like if your family is accepting of magical practice.

Hope this helps

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Re: Salt protection
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Himalayan salt is like table salt. Any kind of salt should work. It is important for practitioners to know how to protect themselves from unwanted energies when spell casting.

What do you mean by unnatural/supernatural strength?

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Re: Salt protection
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Like with many things, the qualities and strengths of salt comes from where it comes from and what it is used for.

Salt, waaaay back in the day, was immensely valuable. Salt meant survival whether it was while at sea or in a desert. It was also a challenge to obtain, process, and ship so people who had easy access were typically unusually wealthy. So Salt, even though it is common today, is an item of value in magical traditions.

Ever heard of referring to a hard-working or valuable person as 'worth their salt'? This is where it comes from.

Salt is a dessicant, a preservative, it draws out infection from wounds, and kills bacteria in general. Salt is a representative of purification and protection. This aspect in particular is why Salt is used in circles and other barriers, and with cleansing areas and tools.

Salt is an electrolyte, which facilitates electrical movement within the body/nerves. And though generally neutrally charged it is believed that salt can be made to produce negatively charged Ions which clear the air. This adds to the protective nature of Salt as it conducts and grounds energy (particularly negative energy). This also factors in to the use of Salt to clear/cleanse and de-program crystals and other energy 'batteries'.

So, long story short, Salt represents a cleansing and grounding force that acts as a barrier as it 'grabs' energy and sends it to the ground.

As for the type of Salt to use, Salt is Salt for the most part. The different types and colors used for cooking has to do with how the salt was obtained (distilled from seawater or mined, for example) and trace mineral composition like iron or sulfur.

Different varieties might have some small affect but that would depend greatly on your desired application or if such subtle traces and their nuances matter to you. If it is a concern, find out what trace elements are present (Google is your friend) and take those into account. For example Himalayan salt is pink-tinted because of the presence of iron, which might magnify the grounding effects. Table salt is typically iodized, which would put more emphasis on cleansing. Meanwhile pickling Salt is basically pure sodium-chloride so it is the 'pure' Salt option.
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Re: Salt protection
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Salts are used in a variety of ways magically however the base use is for purification which can also help in magical workings that involve protection.Salt has the ability to absorb negative energy on contact which is cleansing or purifying for the space, item, or energy involved. Salt water or a saline solution is ued to to help kill bacteria and flush wounds, the eyes, nose, and even gargling with salt water helps to promote healing in the mouth and throat as it kills germs and aids the healing process.

Salt by chemical definition is a compound consisting of an ionic assembly of positively charged cations (positive ions) and negatively charged anions (negative ions) resulting in a compound with no net electrical charge. Salts can be compounds that are inorganic (lacks carbon) or organic (contains carbon) as well as monatomic (one atom) or polyatomic (many atoms) compounds. Most are dissolvable in water or other polarized solvents such as acetone, isopropanol,and ethanol.

Salts that produce hydroxide when dissolved in water are alkali salts while salts that produce hydrogen when dissolved in water are acid salts and those salts that are neither acidic or alkaline are referred to as neutral salts. Salts are characteristically isolators which means they are not good conductors of electricity however when dissolved in water they are good at conducting electrically through the movement of ions which makes them an electrolyte.

When a circle of salt is used to protect a magical practitioner it is a dry pile of salt that is not a good conductor of electricity. The circle is marked with salt because it can absorb negative energy surrounding the world between worlds that has been established or cast. There are different types of salt such as table, sea, black, Epsom and even salt petre or salt peter that are commonly used for magical practice. Epsom salts are used to help relax muscles, reduce swelling, and reduce cramping while improving overall mobility and speed of recovery. It was also used for a time medically to relieve constipation however this is not recommended as it can cause diarrhea and dehydration. Salt petre has a long history of being used as a preservative for meats and in the early days of medicine for the treatment of asthma, arthritis, and to help lower blood pressure however due to side effects such as headache, upset stomach, and anemia it is no longer utilized as it once was.

Many Blessing to you on your path,


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