Merry Meet

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Merry Meet
Post # 1
Hello, new friends :) I'm a 30 y/o male currently in Florida who has been a seeker most of my life. I have met Wiccans, and Natives, along with many people of many different paths, all who have shared some bit of wisdom with me, though I've yet to really find myself and the right path for me. I have some experience interpreting the Tarot (though it's been years), and I enjoy a good smudge. But there are many things I am still ignorant of. One thing particularly that has been on my mind lately is that it has been spoken of me by many seers over the years that I am experiencing some type of block. I had gifts when I was younger that went away as I got older. Let me explain. I was born on Samhain. The day when the veil between the world of the living and the one beyond is at its thinest. In fact I had no heart, brain or lung activity for quite some time and had to be put on machines. I drew my first breath exactly one minute after the start of what many call the "witching hour" it has been said to me that this gave me a connection to the other side. Indeed I remember my first "imaginary friend" terrified me. I later lost the vision in my right eye. I was told that though one form of sight had been limited, another had been opened. I used to see auras, I think. Or at least my family tell me that when I was younger I would refer to someone as a color. "He's red today" or "why is she so blue?" I apparently also had a knack for guessing how certain situations would play out. When asked how I knew, I would say "I saw it coming" But I guess along the way, these gifts began to get repressed, along with my memory of them. Can anyone help me discover a way to re-awaken them and put them to proper use?
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Re: Merry Meet
Post # 2
Hello, welcome. Not sure how to unblock old memories but I would start with meditation. Just grab a candle and incense (or not) and try that. I like subliminal videos myself but can't say what I'd recommend from those. Magick starts with meditation and focus so best place to start in my opinion.
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Re: Merry Meet
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I agree. Also, more often than not the things we lose become that way because of something simple. Or ordinary. Like lack of use. Peer pressure to not act on or practice because it is 'different' or 'weird' and isolates you from your peers.

Or maybe life itself just draws attention away. The needs of responsibility; School, homework, sports and other activities, escapes like books movies and video games. The distractions of life abound and it is easy for something natural and for-granted to go neglected.

Likewise, the changes of a growing and maturing body can (for some) be blamed on a loss of connection. As time moves forward, the memories and experiences of our early life become ever more distant. Perhaps memories of past-lives or between-life events that felt close and familiar, if you had them, become bare specks on the memory horizon. Or as your mind gets more and more focused on the physical world of experience and thought the less substantial aspects that inspire wonder and inspiration fall aside.

Or, of course, self-preservation and negative experiences can kick in a desire to separate from those influences. A person can develop a part of their psyche where they associate things of an intangible nature with danger, fear or threat of harm. So it is separated. Blocked. Shut away as a thing to be hidden and not acknowledged.

Heh, I guess long-story short you aren't alone in your conundrum. Good news is that there are indeed ways to tease back out your old connections and intuitions. Though it can be a bit of a journey, and like any new beginning it might lead you into differing, unexpected directions.

One thing's for sure, it is rarely boring!
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