night fury spell 3x

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night fury spell 3x
Post # 1
A fearless beast dark as night a creature strong and noble on wings of courage shall take flight as soon as i am able i will breath fire blue and bright a fly beneath the moons rays for i am the fury for this night to this form i will soon transform my transformation will be fast and painless I’ll be a night fury at last i promise to be careful with wing span of 40 feet and sharp retractable teeth delicious fish I’ll catch and eat tough scale dark skin underneath this is my will so mote it be

side effects headaches Nause dizziness tingling sore bones aching limbs phantom wings enhance scencse able to shift back and forth.
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Re: night fury spell 3x
Post # 2
I don't believe it could have any side effects outside of it not working.
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Re: night fury spell 3x
By: / Novice
Post # 3
You are quite proud of this, since you have posted the same nonsense three times. Is that what the 3x in the title is for?

You cannot become a night fury on the physical plane. This site is for actual witches, not children who want to play make believe. Also, roleplaying is not allowed on this site. If you want to learn actual Magik, Witchcraft, Paganism and/or Wicca, there are plenty of articles and forums which could help you learn. Otherwise, I will caution you, your account could get gagged if you carry on as you are.
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Re: night fury spell 3x
Post # 4
While you cannot transform physically, this sounds like a great mental exercise if your intention is to take on symbolic attributes of the night fury.
Every chant started as a random set of sounds, every spell started with a goal and a desire

Magic is what you make it.
Use your spell while meditating, it is a great way to focus your self on your goals and while not able transform you in the physical realm, it can definitely benefit your spiritual self.

Keep going, and remember to take things with a grain of salt! Every practice is unique.
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Re: night fury spell 3x
By: / Novice
Post # 5
As previously mentioned, you can't physically transform with magick.

That said, you can work with Dragons [I've worked with them for over a decade] but they're guides on our path. You don't own them, command them, or transform into them [astral shifting is different than physical, so research that if you wish] as for night fury's, I've never met one, and I'm fairly certain they're fictional. However, there is the fantasy realm where you can create your own reality, you could create a thoughtform or servitor in the image of a night fury, and there are things like egregores which are created when enough people believe in something [it's like a thoughtform but created by a group] so, it's possible, but only if you shift your perspective.

Side note: Chaos Dragons are typically black like night fury's, but the ones I've seen are more like the typical European Dragon and the ones from How To Train Your Dragon are more like salamanders. Maybe one could see a young Chaos Dragon and confuse them with a night fury. [but you won't transform into one]

As PinkBreath suggested, you could tweak this and make it a mantra for confidence, courage, or strength. It won't make you physically transform, but you are charging your energy to feel as mighty as a Dragon, so you present yourself a certain way before something like a presentation or meeting.
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Re: night fury spell 3x
Post # 6
i have seen on flew by
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Re: night fury spell 3x
By: / Novice
Post # 7
@Carietta2000, roleplaying is against site rules. Dragons are astral beings, not physical ones. If you saw an astral Dragon, please specify. If this was a physical Night Fury you claim to have seen, that would be considered roleplaying as neither of those are real. Chaos Dragons look like Night Furys [pure black, but they're bigger] A Chaos Dragon is not a Night Fury, though. If you work with Chaos Magik or Astral Projection, you could make a thoughtform which looks like a Night Fury [wouldn't be physical] or you could project to the Fantasy Realm and create your own on that spiritual plane.
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