Chi magic

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Chi magic
Post # 1
Is there anyone who can inform me about how to harness magik from my chi.
I'm an influencer on using chi since I was eight and I'm trying to see how to harness it.
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Re: Chi magic
Post # 2
Hello, I will start by saying: "Magic", "Chi", "Chakra", "Ki/Qi", "Kundalini", and whatever other various words people use to describe it, it really boils down to the same thing. Is it some mystical force that is tapped into through spiritual means? Is it a "life energy" that permeates all things? Is it quantum fields and vibrational fluctuations? It doesn't really matter. It all accomplishes the same thing in modern magic.

To continue, your question "How can I harness magic from my chi" can be answered in this way. Your "chi" is your own "energy", how you use it to manifest your desired reality is your "magic." In this way, if you are asking how you can learn this process, I recommend reading the FAQ on this site and learning psychic abilities, and basic practices such as meditation, visualization, trance, etc. Magic is a very complex topic that spans thousands of years and you will never get a complete view of it from anyone. There are countless paths and perspectives, thousands of books and material. Good luck on your journey.
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