Introducing myself

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Introducing myself
Post # 1
1. What do you wish to gain from being in a coven?
I would love to learn anything anyone is willing to teach me.
2. Do you align as light, dark, neither or both?
Eclectic so both
3. What made you interested in witchcraft?
My genealogy
4. What are some topics you are interested in learning?
Literally everything, I work with energy manipulation and manifestation
5. What topics do you wish to share? (if none just put none)
Anything that I might know about
6. Do you have a history on SoM? Any previous accounts?
Yes but I don’t have access to them anymore Angelberry23, and goldenflame
7. Make sure you have a bio and image on your profile. (Applications that do not have this will be automatically declined.)
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