Removing a binding spell

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Removing a binding spell
Post # 1
How do you remove a binding spell to bind powers if you or a friend placed it? Also how do you contact a moderator as I used my real name for my name and want to change it so I can chat, it says not to use your real name. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Removing a binding spell
Post # 2
Also, how do you regain your powers and know how to use them??
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Re: Casting a Circle
Post # 3
If you can't draw on your floor with chalk or use tape and you don't want to make a mess with salt can you purchase a round rug for spells?
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Re: Removing a binding spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Hi Carrie. You can't change your name in your Profile. But you can delete that account and create a new account with whatever name you wish to use.

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Re: Removing a binding spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: Removing a binding spell
Post # 6
A friend of mine told me their method of visualisation when undoing spells. They generally look at undoing spells as untying a knot. the spell is the knot and you gotta figure out where the string goes to untie it. They prefer this visualisation as it helps it feel safer to them, as they feel like cutting the knot or taking shortcuts may cause the spell to have the opposite effect it was intended for (for instance cutting a love spell turning it into a hate spell.

So maybe try tying a big complicated knot to something that symbolises you using thick cord, and then untie it with the intention of undoing the binding spell ^^
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Re: Removing a binding spell
By: / Novice
Post # 7
A go-to for me, if I am the one who originally worked the spell, is to weave the energy of the spell into something physical which can then be undone or dismantled.

For example by crocheting (I can't knit worth a darn) a large chunk of yarn into a small square of cloth. As I make each stitch I re-create the memory of how I worked the spell step by step, re-calling the committed energy and intent and placing it into the stitches. I think of it as 'gathering up' the spell.

Then I take the resulting square of crocheted fabric, and the old spell tangled-up within, somewhere I can ground it out. Usually outside in a natural place. There I put the piece on the ground, put one hand over it to pin it down, and pull the end of yarn and unravel the spell both literally and figuratively.

If the goal is to remove a spell worked by someone else, then things are a little different because you can't really 'recall' something you didn't set in motion. In that event you have a couple of different options;

The person who was the recipient of the spell can try to clean/banish/break it off with the classic 'reflect, cleanse-banish-cleanse, block'. Reflect on why the spell was done, and grow from the experience. Cleanse yourself and your space to empower yourself. Actively break, remove, and banish away the energy of the spell to 'wash' it off. Then cleanse yourself and your space again to send it away. Once cleared then establish your authority over yourself and your space, barr/block the spell from coming back. Effectively, kick the spell out and lock the door behind it.

Or reflect on what happened to earn you a binding to begin with. People don't do that for random kicks and maybe, just maybe, you either did something to earn it or it was done in an effort of protecting you from making poor choices. Examine why the binding was done and try to grow from it. If the magic no longer has a reason to be there, it will no longer be an issue. If you want a stray to leave your home, stop feeding it.
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Re: Removing a binding spell
Post # 8

Maybe this reply is suitable for this category? Not sure, But since its a Remove Binding spell, could it be that Binding is controlling? Actually trying to reply to multiple posts at once.

  1. Things to Avoid to Reduce Spell Binding

    • The first is by taking hair from the victim to attach to a doll or puppet .
    • It can also be done by taking nails , possibly saliva , and even the victims underwear/clothes .
    • The perpetrator might carry something like water/oil/soil/sand , and throw it right at the entrance of the victims house.
    • More extreme actions include illegally digging up someones land and burying various items that have been inscribed with magical writings containing curses , without the owners knowledge.
    • Such things can also happen when someone is building a house , where the builder might mix something into the cement ( Floor/Wall construct ) or throw it onto the Attic or roof tiles , because they were instructed to do so by someone who paid them quietly.
  2. (Avoid) Injecting Magic into the Victims Body

    • The person might often bring food or drinks , which are intended to inject something magical into the victims body to damage them from within.
      • Examples include fruits , soup , ( water Adsorb Frequency ), Boiled Egg , Used Food and meals after offering to bad entities, even packed meals , etc.
      • Also, if there are powders in the kitchen that are sprinkled every time we cook, like spices and others.
      • Its usually very easy, if the person is inside a house , or an office, or a same building.
    • Wearing something given by the perpetrator, such as gems , crystal , rings , necklaces , earrings , etc., can also be a method. (Something inside, and it's alive)
    • And the worst part is that the victim is often taken by the perpetrator to an unknown place where a medium items or a shaman is already present to recite spellsfrom a short distance.
      • ( Nowadays Witch and Magician are seen wearing ordinary clothes like people who go to the supermarket , even using gadgets and cellphones and able to drive car, not like in the movies, also having house like ordinary people)
  3. Binding Spells from Childhood

    • There is a binding spell that is usually placed on someone from childhood , since they were young.
    • Usually, the person forgets when they grow up, which is a remnant of an agreement with some bad entities on 3rd party with the witch and perpetrator?.
    • So be careful with anyone near you, find out more and dont just believe what they say ( some of them even masked with religion )
  4. First Aid (Cleansing)

    • Actually, the easiest first aid, but not very effective, is to bathe with salt every day for a week? ( Neutralize ) (Throwing Salt or Smoke at Binding Items? )
    • The salt needed should be coarse sea salt ( directly from sea and better ), not refined salt from factories.
    • The salt should be poured, drenched with water from the head to the toe , usually 7 timesa day ( While chanting some Prayer or Spell? Optional? ).
    • If possible, the salt should not be dissolved first but placed on the head before being poured.
  5. Additional Measure

    • Sunbathing at 12 noon, meditating while bathing in seawater along with reciting prayers.
    • Some plants that can reduce or ward off bad magic, if brought closer, might be able to reduce such things.
    • Grounding by walking without shoes or sandals, or sitting and sleeping without a mat, vinyl floor, Plastic thing, touching the earth
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