I think I might be cursed

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I think I might be cursed
Post # 1
I don't know exactly if this is the right place to post this, but I'm in need of some enlightenment.
Ever since my mother died at the hospital from a heart attack 2 years ago, I have been feeling this huge weight on my shoulders and often times I struggle to sleep. I thought those were common symptoms of a depression considering I lost her at 21 years old and that turned my life upside down but since then it feels like nothing goes right. I haven't been able to get a job, enroll in university and when I tried moving abroad it's like the whole universe worked it's way to send me back home in a painful way. I feel like I'm chained to this place and I've tried everything. In this span of time I've also dealt with two infestations, one that I can't seem to get rid of even though we've tried everything. I want to know what I can do to understand and maybe fix whatever energy is around me.
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Re: I think I might be cursed
By: / Novice
Post # 2
There's a lot of things it could be. It could be some shadow aspect surrounding your mom's passing which is keeping you in stagnant energy until you work through it. It could be astrological [you could be going through difficult times because the energies are making you go through personal growth] it could also be you scaring yourself into thinking you're cursed, thus charging negative energy and cursing yourself. It could also be a spirit attached to you. I'd do some divination and journaling to try and narrow it down.

Research cleansing and protection spells and do that. You'll need to do a deep clean/cleanse of your home [probably declutter and remove items that no longer serve you] as well as yourself. Don't expect to do it all at once, but I would start now [especially with the energetic timing of Lughnasadh today, the new moon and Mercury Retrograde on the 4th, and The Lions Gate Portal on the 8] You can also do little things to build on your cleansing/protection. Hang bells on your door to sound cleanse energy, hang a protection symbol in your doorway, and enchant your cleaning supplies to cleanse and clean [same with your soap/shampoo. You can say a cleansing chant while having a shower] lock your mirrors [including computer and phone screens] burn protection incense, place bowls of salt around your home, spray Florida Water around your home, make a simmer pot [strain the brew into a spray bottle and use that if you can't get Florida Water, but it's pretty easy to find. The site shop has some] burn white or black candles to cleanse the energy, and on and on and on [trust me, there's tons of options. Also, be sure to cleanse and protect yourself. Daily grounding/charging/shielding is an easy but effective tool]

I'd also try manifesting during The Lion's Gate Portal on August 8 to shift your energy. Be sure to focus on the positive and don't assume it didn't work because things don't instantly turn around [I'm not saying toxic positivity, but if you wake up every day and go "I'm cursed" you're telling the universe you're cursed. Whenever you catch yourself thinking that you're cursed, repeat 8 times "I'm blessed" to reprogram the energy]
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Re: I think I might be cursed
Post # 3
To add to this
Each day speak positive mantras like said above also as well if you are able to ground your energy even if you have to connect your feet to the grassy areas or such and release all negative energies and clingy energy or spirits or whatever it is that makes you feel stagnant and as your grounding you’re energy pull back in all the positive energy thoughts life and such you wish over your life

With whatever is making you feel cursed if you are not experienced at spell work you could try a simple cleaning ritual with smudge or juniper whichever you can obtain in your area and cleanse your self and your environment as well as using crystals or even mantras as you cleanse yourself

You could also use crystals to protect yourself from negative energies or entities from further access to you and your surroundings

And each day just simply say I am divinely protected from the universe and just keep positive

Your mind is a magnet whatever you speak can fully become your reality whether know or unknown
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Re: I think I might be cursed
Post # 4
thank you for this advice. Completely different scenario of...but reference of things to do, research to fortify myself. My sister has been delving for over a decade now. Her will and hatred so strong to me, to anyone. She cursed a house and buried things in yard, of sellers who decided to go with another real estate agent then her. 6 years ago. I said to myself, she has no power. I am empath, and born in caul and ...way to sensitive. but a tree fell on house and destroyed most of it a few months later, with new family inside. probably nothing to do with her curse. its just the intensity of her hate, now that does have power in our universe. Thank you
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Re: I think I might be cursed
Post # 5
Thank you, will try this.
I've been doing some mental work lately to try and ground myself but with this I'll also try to work on the energy side of things!
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Re: I think I might be cursed
Post # 6
Thank you for the advice, will do!
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