Teke Teke

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Teke Teke
Post # 1
So, I have always been fascinated by Japanese folklore, and was doing research on Teke-Teke, or the woman with no legs, named for the sound her nails make as she runs on her arms. The reason I bring this up is because I read an article, and after confirming something I read by reading a few other articles, the legend of TekeTeke says that after hearing her story, you will within the next 3 days, meet her- chances of survival are low and frankly I don't wanna be cut in half, any ideas like- protection spells or...?
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Re: Teke Teke
Post # 2
"Teke Teke" is a urban legend that dates back to 1970 about a woman from northern Japan who was supposedly cut in half by falling onto a rail line and getting "sliced" by a moving train. In all honestly , it seems comparable to the whole "bloody Marry (X3)" at midnight or 3 am gazing into a mirror. All information about this "spirit" sounds like more of a "if you do this you die" kind of thing. Things like this just make me so disappointed that people fall for this stuff. To answer this question if you look at the "lore": "nothing can save you from her, she will hunt you down and cut you in half; mimicking her own death..." which sounds like a "this what humans* think witchcraft is about". Point being, this is about as real as "slender man" or any other urban legend, if your really interested in Japanese folklore I'm sure you could find something that's actually real even if you don't intend to use it in your own magical practice, such as say Shintoism as an example.

Hope this is useful to you


*I say human to refer to someone who isn't a practitioner as to me, saying non witch just doesn't sound right
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