Angels and Demons

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Angels and Demons
Post # 1
Two of my primary focuses of study in occult knowledge and magical theory are angelology and demonology. I think it is especially important to establish strong foundations in these areas, since angels and demons area very popular today but with little consistency in identifying and describing exactly who and what these beings are. Furthermore, outside an orthodox Christian understanding of these beings, there is hardly any notion of the functional and ontological (referring to being or existence) differences between them that I have seen, which are what I will attempt to discuss here.

First, the theoretical differences must be established. The word "angel" means "messenger." Now, not all angels function as messengers, but this is the function by which they are most often identified in the Scriptures and in Tradition. It is also appropriate to call them messengers because they by and large act as those who go in-between God and humanity. They are also servants, as the author of Hebrews says: "Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14 ESV). As for demons, they are often described as being of the same substance as angels. Hence, why demons are sometimes referred to as fallen angels. If you work within a Christian framework, the Pagan deities are demonic entities (for example, see 1 Corinthians 10:19-21).

Now regarding at the functional differences between them, I think we can get a good idea of these differences when we look at the invocation of these beings (for example, in prayer to them). When we pray to angels, they will often lift your prayers up to God, as is seen in the book of Revelation: "and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel" (Revelation 8:4 ESV). Also, they will answer your prayers according to the will of God.

Demons, on the other hand, will not necessarily answer prayers according to the will of God. Because of this, one can make covenants or deals with them. They can also reveal knowledge that would otherwise be kept hidden, which is why demons are important in occult studies and learning. This can also lead into other practices, such as divination or in my case, the interpretation of dreams.
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Re: Angels and Demons
Post # 2
Very interesting information you've presented and outlined here.

I am still finding my way in terms of what exact 'framework' I view, operate, and adhere by.
But for many years now I have always felt as if angels, fallen angels, and demons were their own separate entities. Angels referring to a type of spirit filled with the grace and light of the Hebrew God, fallen angels being angels who were stripped of that grace and light for rebelling against the will of said God, and demons being a type of natural dark entity that exists as a separate thing on its own.

I have been under the belief that many of the fallen angels gained demonic power to fill the void left behind from losing their light. That they work alongside the demons and in a sense transmuted into a sort of demon in of themselves by taking on the aspects of demons and the dark power corrupting them.
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Re: Angels and Demons
Post # 3

I've also been thinking about whether there is a difference between fallen angels and demons. However, my opinion on the matter has come to some extent to depend on a definition of being. How one exists in the world depends in some way on how one participates in the world. Now, when we speak of angels and demons in terms of their essence, we can say that they both have the same substance. However, if we are speaking of angels and demons in terms of being, we can say that they are different beings in that they participate in the world differently.

From my view, the variety among angels lies strictly in office and rank. They are also limited in function, in that their wills freely align with the will of God, according to the domains where he has assigned them. There is more variety among demons, and their movements and actions are more fluid, in a sense. If one wishes to invoke and engage with spiritual beings who are a part of a stricter order, that person might prefer praying to angels, especially since this means that their wills are more stable, being under the will of God. However, if one wishes to interact with beings who are more fluid and who act according to their own wills, that person may prefer to invoke demonic entities.
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