Hello! I am Mark

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Hello! I am Mark
Post # 1
My name is Mark. I am 37 and work from home as an AI Data Reviewer. I live in Oklahoma with my wife, Robin, and two cats, Ragnar and Athena. I have been a practicing eclectic Pagan for the last 6, almost 7, years. I use what works for me after extensive research, but mostly I focus on Norse, Celtic, and Buddhist traditions. I used to focus on Buddhism and Celtic traditions until I took a DNA test and discovered the dominant DNA within me is Longobard Viking. So, I have been excitedly delving into Norse mythology, religion, and magics. I am here to get more of a sense of community. I have been a solitary practitioner, though I have taught some classes for fellow solitary practitioners. The area I live in now is not Pagan-friendly and there are no "openly practicing" covens here.
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Re: Hello! I am Mark
Post # 2

Welcome to Spells of Magic! :D

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