Family Curse,How you know

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Family Curse,How you know
Post # 1
Greeting all

A sudden though had just occurred to me, how do you know if your family have been cursed.
What I mean by family curse is a familial generation curse where it get passes form generations to generation.

In the past few years, I have been connecting and building a new relationship with a recently new cousin that we did not know we where related. We found each other through one of those ancestry DNA testing/website.

While exploring and discover my ancestry, collection family stories and some verification, it seems their is a pattern of bad fortune to one member of the family per generation.

Just for some clarity, when I am referring to generation I fall in the 6th generations, and the bad fortune spans over 7 generations date back 1855 - 1865. Of the majority of those affected most of the are females and two of them are male.

Not going into details, due the personal and sensitive nature of the bad fortune - to say more or less in broad strokes each incident was related to some abuse and kids out of wedlock. The only exception is the current generations. The timeline/family was as follows : Both 3rd great grandma's - 2nd great grandma - great grandma - grandma - Father - Sister - Nephew.

Is there way to find what type of curse it is and which " type " magic was use - cause I have a sneaky 6th sense that this either druid or gypsy magic.

thank you for any response ahead of time.

Blessing to all
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Re: Family Curse,How you know
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Do you work with your ancestors? That's the quickest way to learn about any magickal stuff. [that's how I discovered my family's guardian spirit] Begin with family you knew who have passed on an work your way back. I suggest an ancestor altar [basically, if you have a table with their picture on it, you've got your altar] and treat it the same way you would a deity altar. Leave them offerings [a glass of water on the table is fine. They might ask for other items later, but the most I've been asked for is to share some of my food or play a certain song]

If you know any divination techniques, you can use them to speak with your ancestors. Meditation also helps. You can also pray to them. Prayer doesn't have to be reciting a prewritten script a bunch of times. It can sound like talking to yourself. Stand before the altar [or don't I tend to find a quiet place and say "Hi *name*" sometimes out loud, sometimes in my mind] and just talk to them as if they're with you right now [because they are, just on another plane] Ask them if there's a curse or enchantment on the family, then wait for an answer. You might not receive one right away at first, and it might not be a clear "Yes/no" in your mind, but with practice, the signs will become clearer.

As for the possible curse, it could be simple misfortune. A different line of my family [not the one with the guardian spirit] had just the worst people. Being a bad person attracts negative energy. Sometimes, what your ancestors did was so bad, you need to atone for it later, other times it's specifically them and their bad luck in life was because they charged their life with negativity. Another option is, that's life. I have plenty of family members who died before they turned 18, or had tragic lives, but it was just life. My great uncle's wife died in childbirth, as did his only child. This was a common tragedy. He was a wonderful man who spent his life helping people. Bad things just happen, and we need to accept that. However, if you're worried, try cleansing. Cleanse and protect yourself and your home. Try a cord cutting to remove any lingering energy. Above all, ask your ancestors for clarity and guidance.
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