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Hi everyone.
Post # 1
Hello all. I'm new here, not really sure how this site works yet. I'm just stumbling through the site seeing what there is to see. Lots of very interesting stuff.
So how does this site work? Can you only join one coven? And how do you find out info about the covens to know which one to join? Especially if their books are for members only, not to be a complaint, I can understand why there would be reasons for that. I'm just trying to figure out how this place works. I feel like I've overlooked some info somewhere to give me these answers.

I joined the site because I'm new to this path and trying to figure out what I believe, nothing solidified just yet. So I would love to hear how others found, joined and use this site.

Thanks all,
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Re: Hi everyone.
Post # 2
Merry meet and welcome Nfae.

You can only join one coven.

To see what each coven has to offer just click on one of them on the left hand side of the page and it will give you a run down of what they do. Also each will tell you how to join and what is needed. I think each one wants you to fill out your bio and then send a message to high priet/priestess.

Hope this helps.

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