wand at the ready

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wand at the ready
Post # 1
='-'= i want to learn how to use the wand properly and to be able learn spells and rituals using it.. thank u..
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Re: wand at the ready
Post # 2
You don t need fu.... wand to cast magic,you need help from harry potter if you want do that!!
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Re: wand at the ready
Post # 3
='-'= so the wand is not that necessary in spell binding..?
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Re: wand at the ready
Post # 4
Sorry NekroN_Black but I sort of disagree with you.

The wand and athame are very powerful tools that can be used to help you raise power and direct it as needed. BUT you don't really need them as your finger or hand will do just as well.

BUT you can embue the athame or wand with power and after working with the same one for a while it does take on your essence and can be a very powerful help.

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