Casting spells with runes.

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Casting spells with runes.
Post # 1
Does anyone knows how to cast spells with runes?
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Re: Casting spells with runes.
Post # 2
i've know of runic charms,the inscriptions of runes

Vikings usually use them as a charm / protection and all.
they usually put them either on their helmets or foreheads
then invoking power or protection depending on the runes

not sure anything about casting spells with it, sorry
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Re: Casting spells with runes.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
Runes can be and are used in spells. The most used is probably candle magic. Since the different symbols mean different things, you simply carve the symbol or symbols you need in the candle along with any other information and then anoint the it. I have used runes in many different magical workings including a protection spell I put on my fence. I painted runes on the inside of it to protect my yard from evil.
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