stone magick

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stone magick
Post # 1
is theresuch a thing like stone magick.and with the stones u cast powerful spells.this all seemsvery interesting can somebody who is experienced explain this to me? i plead u plz!
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Re: stone magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Stones have different magical uses. The energy contain inside the stones have properties that aid you in magical workings. Here is a site that can tell you more.
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Re: stone magick
Post # 3
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Re: stone magick
Post # 4
ive jus gone to the website but that only lists valuable stne prperties. thanx anyways!
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Re: stone magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Here is a document that contains some spells that use stones found in your area. I found it by looking up stone spells, but I can not see who to credit, sorry.

Stone Spells

The Five Pebbles
Go to a moving brook or stream. While standing in the water and facing downstream, remove five small pebbles from the streambed. As you do this, visualize your need for protection. As your hand closes over the pebbles, see them beaming out protective energies. Just as the pebbles are hard and have weathered for eons, so too will they strengthen your protective shield. Now carry them at all times for protection. If you wish, place them in a small pouch or a fold of cloth, or incorporate them into some form of jewelry.

New Years Stone
At sunrise on the morning of the New Year, go outside and find the largest stone you can carry. Take this back to your house and put it in a place of prominence. If you keep the stone in your house for a year, it will be one filled with prosperity. Replace the stone every year.

Carin of Power
This spell is ideal for outdoor rituals. Perform it prior to any other stone rituals. For additional power during spells, select 10 or 20 small, round stones of approximately the same size. On the ground near where you will perform your magic, place the first stone. Say something like "a stone of power". Repeat this with the rest of your stones, gradually forming a triangular shaped pile of stones. You are fashioning a carin. As you place the last stone on top of the pile, say words such as " a carin of power" Now perform any magic. Such carins or stone piles seem to be collectors and reservoirs of power, and can help your magic. They can also be permanently placed inside your home or, with larger carins, outside on your property for protection.

Stone Banishing Spell
To be rid of diseases, unhealthy habits, hurt feelings and any other disturbing manifestations of life, hold any stone in your projective hand and visualize the problem in detail. Visualize the part of you that is to be banished as entering the stone. See the problem and it's causes leaving you and infusing the stone. When you can send no more energy into it, throw the stone onto a hot fire, throwing with it the causes and manifestations of the problem. Stand back- the stone may explode! If you fire or do not wish to have rocks exploding, throw the stone into the air or into water, thereby releasing the problem causing energy from your body. It is done.
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