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Post # 1
hey people,

could anyone tell me what i should start doing on my magick conquest.. yaknow like where to start and the basics.


Thankyou in advance :)
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Re: Learning
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Meditation. Visualisation. Chakras. Lol. Working with the third will help a great deal with the first two. And it will so help you to recognize the energies in yourself so you can begin working with them.
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Re: Learning
Post # 3
Merry Meet Ben Yes do learn meditation and the chakras as they are very important and Perdurabo can help you there as he is very good with them :)

Also learn elemental magick - the use and properties of fire, water, earth, air and spirit. Just message me and I will help you with them and herbal magick.

Big Hug

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