Money Flow

SpellsLife  ► Fortune  ► Money Flow
For a flow of money as needed.

Casting Instructions for 'Money Flow'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A small glass jar
  • 5 pennies
  • 5 dimes
  • A paper
  • Bay leaf
  • Cinnamon
  • A white candle ( small)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A small glass jar
  • 5 pennies
  • 5 dimes
  • A paper
  • Bay leaf
  • Cinnamon
  • A white candle ( small)

In small glass jar, put 5 penny and 5 dimes. Sprinkle a touch of cinnamon. Now write the amount you need and what you need it for on a small paper, then fold the paper very small. Write your name and the desired date you need the money by on a bay leaf. Set a white candle near or on the jar, and repeat the words:

"My intent is pure and wish no harm to anyone
I request the power of the energies
money blessing come to me
I will it so mote it be ."

Burn the candle for at least an hour then set jar in sunny window spot. Every day add a few coins during sunny hours. After you reach your goal or pass the date, burn the paper, bury the ashes outside with 1 penny and 1 dime and the bay leaf.


Added to on Dec 31, 2013
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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It said a ''small candle'' a small one don't stay 1 hour to burn right? What should I do? Get bigger one or have multiple?

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