See the Dead Spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Conjuring  ► See the Dead Spell
A simple way to see the dead.

Casting Instructions for 'See the Dead Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quiet
  • Mind
  • Patience
  • Focus
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Quiet
  • Mind
  • Patience
  • Focus
Lay down somewhere comfortable. Now close your eyes and imagine being in your room. In your mind give yourself a tour of your house. If you see any odd strangers, that means that they're dead spirits.


Added to on Jan 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This dosent work. You either have to be born with the gift or somehow acquire it. Magic can't make you see things. If you see spirits or entities with just a spell, it's a placebo

Jan 11, 2022
You can train yourself to see them, this is the first step. The best thing about magick is that anyone can do it, others may be born with more advanced ''powers'' but that doesn't mean that other people can't obtain them as well!

Sep 29, 2023
I may be new to this but this spell and some other ones are fake spells

That is not a spell, that is... I'm not even sure. I was expecting a way to enhance your senses to feel or see the energy surrounding a spirit.

Jul 06, 2021
It is meditation exercises for Psychic Sensitive people.

Aug 03, 2023
If u find a spell on how to see spirits around you or even on how to unblock your gifts please let me know... I have been able to see spirits day and night sense I was a kid. But ever sense my fiance passed away 9 months ago I have shut down and closed all windows . And built a wall that I can't seam to brake down..

i may or may not try this 1 being i can ocationaly see the dead and 2 my younger siblings are never quite so i can never focus :( but it looks like a good spell

May 28, 2020
oops i posted the same comment twice on accsedent

i may or may not try this 1 being i can ocationaly see the dead and 2 my younger siblings are never quite so i can never focus :( but it looks like a good spell

This does not work.

Jan 11, 2022
It's a process. It will take time, like tuning in your Clairsenses too!

Jan 11, 2022
I apologize, I should have said ''as outlined, this does not work.'' This was one of my earlier comments when I was not being very specific. Lying down and visualizing your house does not mean you can see spirits. If you have been working on your clairvoyance, or you alter this spell to include things like a psychic tea or crystals that help with the sixth sense, I would give it a maybe. However, lying down, closing your eyes, and remembering what your house looks like is not how one sees spirits as this spell suggests.

I’m able to communicate with them, but can’t see them, but I want to see them. Anyone have any suggestions?

Jan 14, 2022
Begin with energy sensing techniques. Developing these can help to improve your ability to sense energy. You can also practice techniques for developing clairvoyant ability. A Google search on developing clairvoyance should turn up some sites which may have a number of exercises you can start practicing.

Just found out I died as a baby and now I have clairvoyance its not very exciting but terrifying yes

Can anyone help me find a spell that can help me open my windows again I lost my fiance 9 months ago and all this sudden I've shut down everything and closed my abilities off I've been able to see hear and speak to spirits since I was a kid day and night and now I can't see anything ever since his passing. I've built a wall that I can't seam to brake and im going nuts about it.. I miss my abilities and gifts.

Aug 03, 2023
Unfortunately, I don't believe a spell is going to open you back up. At least not on its own. You've obviously suffered a great deal of trauma, which will naturally affect your abilities. You may have to work on healing from that before trying to reconnect to those abilities again.

Sep 29, 2023
I feel for you BC I also lost some one I'm still waiting for the spell to work

This isn't a spell or a ritual it a way to help you see the dead it isn't magick either

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