A spell to control earth, obtained from howlbymoonlight on youtube.com. This spell isn't like Avatar. Examples of how it works are helping a plsnt grow.
Casting Instructions for 'Control Earth'
You will need the following items for this spell:
You do not need anything for this spell.
You will need the following items for this spell:
You do not need anything for this spell.
''This world is the place of many a birth,give me the power of Mother Earth.''
Considering the author does not specify what sort of control is meant, just one type which is not meant, that alone is a huge clue.
And since your question does not specify what type of control you think it may or may not grant, or what sort of control you want, then there is no answer to whether or not it works.
In magic, the elements are a physical representation of qualities, and control over an element within at least most magic traditions is not about controlling any aspect of the physical earth element, for example, but for keeping the qualitative aspects described by that ''element'' in check and in balance within one's self.
You cannot control the earth. Even if it was possible, as outlined, this would not work either. Saying once ''I want earth power'' does nothing. There is no Magik behind it, you are not focusing or connecting with the earth element. But, most importantly, Real Magik does not work like this.
I do not appreciate the demanding nature of your comment. Especially since I am under no obligation to hand you information. And you could have literally Googled ''how do i focus magik'' and found your answer. Read one of the hundreds of beginners guides in the article section of the site. You can also check the forums General Info section which has several pinned treads with beginners information. Go to the General Information section and read Larks post on Grounding and Centering. That should answer your question.
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