Happiness Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Energy  ► Happiness Spell
Give Someone or Yourself a Bit More Happiness in Life.

Casting Instructions for 'Happiness Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -Belief.
  • - Quiet Place. (So you can concentrate better on the Spell)
  • - Jewel. (Like a Necklace, or a Ring)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -Belief.
  • - Quiet Place. (So you can concentrate better on the Spell)
  • - Jewel. (Like a Necklace, or a Ring)

Take ur Jewel and hold it in ur Hand.
Think of the person you wanna see happy (if ur doing this for yourself, think about all the Negative things that happend to you) 

Close ur Eyes and Chant this 3 Times:
''God oh' please, bring me peace. Push all the Negative thoughts away, Everything will be Okey. Listen to my heart, oh i plea so mote it Be.''

Now it can take a few minutes Before you Notice anything Different.

Hope this spell worked for you :) have a nice day x




Added to on Apr 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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im doing this spell is for somebody else, what am i supposed to do with jewelry when im done?

Dec 26, 2020
Give it to them as a gift.

Dec 26, 2020
thats not possible for me... maybe in the future.

Dec 26, 2020
right now im just wearing the ring and im using it as a reminder to send positive energies to the person

Dec 26, 2020
That works too ^_^

Is there any kind of jewel that Increase this spell effectiveness?

This spell was wonderful

thank you. i hope this brings me some peace of mind.

What if you don't have any jewelry

Unfortunately, my room is not a quiet place. I am bad at remembering chants, so I did not do it with my eyes closed. Half the time they were open, and I said it five times. I hope it still works

Aug 17, 2024
You do not need a quiet place or to chant to cast a spell. You are enchanting an item to attract happiness to you. Hold the item and think of what makes you happy. Or, you could do the things that make you happy and hold the item so it is charged with your joy. You could grab the item every time you feel happy and this will charge the item with that energy. I would also start a gratitude list, affirmations, or make a list of things that make you happy. Life is full of highs and lows, so do not expect to be happy all of the time. This charm would help you focus on the positive and spend less time in a down mood. Of course, if you have depression, seek medical attention. You can also bless your medication if you have any. Make your Magik work for you. Blessed be.

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