Calling The Dragons of the Quarters

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Calling The Dragons of the Quarters
When calling the Dragons of the Quarters, you are asking for a willing Dragon to watch over and direct the elemental energies associated with that particular quarter/direction.

Casting Instructions for 'Calling The Dragons of the Quarters'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 green candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 green candle

At first you will probably get several different Dragons standing in as Quarter Guards each time you cast a circle. Eventually, you may find that the same four are answering your call each time (you'll be able to tell by the "feel" of the energy each brings). If/when this happens, you can either wait until the Dragon chooses to reveal his or her name, or you can choose a name by which you will call each one.

Many Dragons actually prefer to work this latter way, taking the name as a gift. In either case, you can then substitute those names for the phrases "One who is willing" and "Great ______ Dragon" at the appropriate quarter.

"From the lands of the Eastern Dragons comes the glorious powers of Air! I call upon One Who Is Willing to guard the Eastern Gate. Lend me (us) mastery of the powers of Air. Aid me (us) in developing my (our) intellect and wisdom. Come watch over this circle that there may be wisdom in all that I (we) do! Great Eastern Dragon, hail and welcome!"

"From the lands of the Dragons of the South, comes cleansing power of Fire! I call upon One Who Is Willing to guard the Southern Gate. Lend me (us) mastery of the powers of Fire. Aid me (us) in developing my (our) free-will and creativity. Come watch over this circle that I (we) may create joy and beauty! Great Southern Dragon, hail and welcome!"

"From the lands of the Dragons of the West, comes the purifying power of Water! I call upon One Who Is Willing to guard the Western Gate! Lend me (us) mastery of the powers of Water. Aid me (us) in developing my (our) intuition and control over my (our) emotions. Come watch over this circle that I (we) may have the courage to listen to my inner voice and act as needed! Great Western Dragon, hail and welcome!"

"From the lands of the Dragons of the North, comes the sustaining power of Earth! I call upon One Who Is Willing to guard the Northern Gate. Lend me (us) mastery over the powers of Earth. Aid me (us) in developing strength of body, mind and spirit. Come watch over this circle that I (we) may have the strength to delve into the mysteries of the universe! Great Northern Dragon, hail and welcome!"


Added to on Nov 05, 2012
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Should work. Cast the circle as you normally would and call on Draconic energies at each quarter is how you cast a Draconic circle. You may call on a specific elemental Dragon, or just an elemental Dragon, they both work.

How to do it?? I don't get it from the above

Jan 24, 2020
Research how to cast a basic circle, then plop these chants in place of the ones in the circle casting. Basically you start at one point [most choose the east with the rising sun, others pick north, but whatever you feel is best] feel/visualize the energy entering your body, say the chant, then point at the ground, feel the energy leave your body and carve a line as you walk to the next point in a clockwise direction [so, start in the east the go south, west, north until you complete the circle] then walk around the circle a few more times until you feel you have a barrier between you and the physical world, and finish by saying ''the circles cast'' or something similar [I stomp my foot or tap the ground] when you wish to open the circle, walk in the opposite direction, thanking each elemental Dragon who watched over your circle.

This sounds like a working circle casting. Do not forget to open the circle. When you are done with a circle, you need to open it by going counter clockwise and thanking what you called.

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